New york

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"WAKE UP JACHARY"Jonah screams
"SHUT UP JONAH"Jack screams
I laugh
"What's so funny!?" He looks down at me
"You"I kiss his nose as he blushed
I grab his hand as we were taken to our hotel and me and Jack get to share a room if you get what I mean *wink wink* anyway
I pull his on to the bed and he cuddles me and I play with his hair this is what I love about our relationship we can just sit down together and cuddle with out a problem we get along so well you would think that it was acting but it's not we just love each other to the moon and back I love him endlessly (josyxangel using your quote❤️) he makes me laugh even when I'm mad or sad he's the first person I go to I love him and not to mention he's good in bed but he's my everything I would take a bullet for him
"Hey princess?"Jack asked
"Yes Prince?"I ask
"I love you endlessly"Jacks smiled (you know who you are bestie)
"Aw I love you wayyyy more" I giggled
"Not possible"
Okay can I just say this is my conversation with a girl that I can call my fake sis love you❤️
Any way on with the story
"It is"I smiled
He laughed kissing my head as soon as he does my eyes slowly shut from the long drive here and my amazing boyfriend there with me

I depend on you|sequel to in my to my heart|book 3Where stories live. Discover now