Im so happy

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As I woke up, my eyes Squinted in order to Adjust to the light streaming through the window. As I tried to move, a sharp pain  Erupted  throughout my body. Suddenly all the  Memories from last night flooded my my mind. All the times Jack told me he loved me. All the times Jack said I was beautiful

I attempted to move for a second time. Jack tightened his grip around me.He hugged me as close to his body as humanly possible. I turned around to face him. I grinned at his  sleepy face

"Hi there"I said while gripping his hips I wasn't taking for granted the fact that we were both naked. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled like a love sick puppy

"Hi beautiful. How did you sleep?"he asked softly

"Amazing how about you?"I asked he grinned at me

"Perfectly due to the gorgeous angel I'm holding" he said as he held me Protectively

"I love you"I said as I placed my head on his

"I love you more baby" he cooed I then rolled on top of him and leaned over him
"Do you want me to show you how much I love you?"I asked innocently
He grinned deviously at me

"Of course princess" my face broke out in to a not so Innocent smile
I leaned down and connected our lips. Our lips moved in sync and I took full control and tried to press my tongue onto his mouth. He Denied Permission I decided to take matters in to my own hands. I grabbed his ass and he left a glorious then I continued to kiss him feverishly until my lips traced down to his neck

I decided that was enough action for him and i rolled of him and i went to get dressed

"Hey!! That's not fair"he groaned I turned around and smiled at the boy
"Maybe next time you'll give permission the first time"I said and stuck my tongue at him

We smiled at each other and laughed he then grabbed my waist pulled me to him

"I love you"he said passionately I pecked his lips
"I love you more now let's get dressed I'm hungry "I said he laughed and we dressed ourself I've never been happier
Made by my co writer thank you girl

I depend on you|sequel to in my to my heart|book 3Where stories live. Discover now