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♡hoseok POV♡
I wonder what Tae is doing right now. Ugh I miss him soo much. I just want him to hug me. Crap.
"Thinking about Taehyung?" Yoongi asks.
"Huh?" I say, I wasnt focused.
"Wait no Im not! Maybe..."
"Go home, Im kicking you out." Yoongi said.
"Leave. Ill drop you off at home."
"But-" Yoongi cuts me off.
"Get your big ass up and lets go."
   Yoongi drops me off at home.
"Fuck you, yoongi" I said, pissed.
"Fuck you too."
   I go inside the dorms. I see taehyung inside. He's eating a lot of food. I go and sit next to taehyung.
"Go away." He says.
"Why?" I ask, confused on whats wrong.
"I hate you" Taehyung says.
   He's drunk... I can tell.
"What did I do now?"
"You lied to me!" He said angry.
"About what?" Did he find out? He couldnt have.
"About your sexuality, meanie"
"Im sorry, I panicked... I didn't mean to-" Taehyung cuts me off my shoving alcohol in my hands.
"Just... Drink."
"No fucking buts... Hehe I said butts."
   We both laugh.
   I do as he says, and I drink... a lot.
♡autors POV♡
-2 hours later-
   Taehyung and Hoseok where very drunk. They where so drunk they could barley keep their eyes open"
"I need you.
   Taehyung gets on top of Hoseok.
"T-T-Taehyung?" Hoseok hiccups.
"Shut up"
   Taehyung kisses Hoseok, hoping he would kiss back. And he does. They start to kiss more and more and more. It becomes makeout.

Ayo. Smut smut smut smut smut smut. Next chapter all the tea is gonna happen. Tea tea tea. Im gonna finish off this story soon and do a new one. Im gonna do Bobby x Jay from Ikon or maybe a Yoonmin smut? Maybe another vhope story? Idk. But yeah. The drunk idea was from someone on quotev. Tea sis.

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