a note for the bullied

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Okay guys as you've heard from Iheartbeyblade I have been getting bullied it started out with just words the words well they really did hurt me Iheartbeyblade knew that they did and would suggest telling the counciler but I would turn her down I always act tough and pretend like it does bother me the normal me is tough and strong but what changes when they bully me is that they don't like me for my self they make my happiness die but the this is me I'm always happy strong smart and brave a few days ago one of the bullies took it to far he kicked me all because I dared my friend to go to his table and say I'm a furry just for laughs then he kicked Iheartbeyblade beyblade which really hurt me because they can hurt me all they want but I dont want them to take it as far as hurting my friends they finally broke me all of my tough disappeared they brought me to tears my friend flora caught me crying in a corner she asked me what was wrong and I just wiped my tears and said I was fine when deep in side I was dying inside I tried to get away from her but she grabbed my shoulders and wouldn't let me leave until I told her why I was crying I told her everything she grabbed my arm dragged me to the counciler and she told the counciler what I told her and the counciler said she would take care of it I've always acted like I was fine around my friends because I didn't want them to get bullied or hurt but now I'm happy to have them bye my side because now I know there is people at my school that care for me and I am happy their in my life now to all the people getting bullied out there
Don't be like me tell someone stand tall and dont be scared that you will make it worse because I know from experience that it will probably get worse if you dont tell someone because no matter who you are you are amazing and perfect just the way you are

And to the bullies I hope you decide after this to be nice because you might not know but it hurts you make the people you bully feel weak and useless and feel like they have to change in order to fit in they could hurt there self's you know please stop God made everyone perfect in there own why he made no mistake

Bye I hope this motivated bullies to stop and the people getting bullied to take a stand I will start the next beyblade oneshot tomarrow probably

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