Dare Ruffnut

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The gang were chilling with their dragons in the shade of a grand old oak tree in a grassy bank. Berk was extremely hot that day, probably the hottest day in known history for the poor Berkians who were so used to the freezing cold.

Snotlout had removed his shirt to reveal a very under toned stomach and a little muscles on his biceps.

Tuffnut pulled off his shirt, boots, socks and trousers (he was wearing shorts underneath) and spread himself across the slightly cooler floor.

Fishlegs was very self conscious about his body appearance so he only stripped down to shorts, no boots or socks and a thin vest.

Ruffnut and Astrid stripped down to leggings and a thin vest.

Hiccup was the only one who hadn't removed any of his clothing. He was still wearing his dark mud green trousers, and forest green tunic.

"Hiccup, aren't you hot?" Astrid asked.

"Yes, in both ways." Hiccup answered smugly.

"Oh shut up Hiccup and if you're hot why don't you take off some layers?" Astrid asked as she nudged him.

"I'm fine, the forge is hotter than this and I can cope with it." Hiccup answered with a shrug.

"Yeah right, you just don't want to strip down because you're embarrassed about you skinny muscle deprived body." Snotlout sneered then kissed his slightly muscular arms.

"Please," Hiccup drawled rolling his eyes. "I have more muscle in my little finger than you have in your whole body."

"Yeah, prove it then!" Snotlout snorted.

Hiccup was about to retort when Astrid placed a gentle hand on his forearm.

"Guys, if Hiccup isn't comfortable with showing his body, don't pressure him into it." Astrid said in a snappish tone.

"Yeah, maybe that isn't one of his strong points, just like me." Fishlegs added.

"Hey! I'm not ashamed to show my body I just don't feel the need to take off any of my clothes right now!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"He's just embarrassed." Snotlout laughed, laying on his back, arms under his head.

Hiccup rolled his eyes and continued the previous conversation as if nothing ever happened.

After a while, Hiccup began to feel over heated and finally took off his tunic and boots, well, boot. As he stripped off his tunic and placed it on Toothless' saddle, the whole conversation dried up. Hiccup looked back and saw the whole group starting at him, eyes wide and mouths open.

"What?" Hiccup asked.

"You have muscles!" Tuff squeaked.

"Really sexy ones at that, all in the right places." Ruff sighed, staring at Hiccup's v-line dreamily.

"Hey, back off, he's my hot boyfriend." Astrid said with a uncharacteristic giggle.

"How is that even possible?" Snotlout cried.

"You weren't listening were you, I have been working in the forge ever since I was a kid. You all really expect me to be a fishbone still?" Hiccup questioned.

"Yes." Came the joint reply.

Hiccup ran a hand through his hair and sighed exasperatedly while Astrid and Tuff tittered excitedly, seeing his biceps flex.

"Will you stop that? I can put my top back on if it's distracting you..." Hiccup trailed off

"NO!" both Astrid and Ruff yelled at the same time.

The boys laughed at Hiccup's expression of horror.

An hour later...

"I dare Ruff!" Tuffnut declared dramatically.

"Oh, well that's such a surprise!" Ruffnut exclaimed sarcastically.

"I dare you to cover yourself in dragon poop and run through the village like a maniac, screaming "they attacked me!" It's gonna be so cool!"

"That's disgusting but I ain't no chump!" Ruffnut jumped up and started to strip to her undergarments and tie her hair up in a bun.

"Come on, you don't even know what the forfeit is!" Tuffnut groaned.

"I don't need to, I'm doing this piss easy dare and I'm not even going to complain about when I'm done," Ruffnut got up and started over to where they're dragons had dropped some bombs, "I'm taking you all to school on this one!"

She did the sign of the cross then jumped face first into the warm turds. She choked down a gag and covered herself in the faeces leisurely. She got up and started to make her way out of the clearing at the edge of the wood, dropping droppings with each and every step, leaving a stool trail and a trail of humoured friends who were falling over each other with laughter. One the already embarrassed girl made it to the more populated part of the villages, she started to raise her voice, begging people to help and building up as she went. By the time she reached the town centre, she was screaming, running around and grabbing people, spreading the crap wherever she went.

"Help! They attacked me! HELP! I NEED HELP! THEY ATTACKED ME!" Ruffnut threw herself at the one and only Stoick the Vast's knees and threw her arms around them. As you could guess, Stoick was not impressed. He grabbed Ruffnut by the arm, pulling her to her feet then dragged her off to her parent's home.

"Fuck you guys! You're gonna get it! I swear one of you will feel my wrath tomorrow!" She screamed, shaking a fist at the dying friends who were in a pile of gut wrenching, tear bring, soul shaking laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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