Christmas Edition

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(This happens first before Yui died)

Lavender stayed in her room as she decorated it with lights, trees and anything that can celebrate Christmas. She finished everything and she even dressed up Angel with a Christmas sweater she made and Angel barked happily.

Lavender P.O.V

I climbed up the ladder holding the angel for the Christmas tree on top to finish decorating. I then placed the angel down and smiled at myself before climbing back down and taking the ladder out my room. I held onto the ladder and saw Laito walking down the hall as he spotted me with curiosity.

"Little flower, Why are you carrying a ladder?" He asked me and I looked at the ladder before back at him and shrugged as I kept moving right pass him.

"Do you need help?" He asked and I stopped nodding my head as he walked towards me taking the ladder and I followed him as he placed it back in the storage room.

"There, now tell me why you are carrying that." He asked me and I grabbed his hand leading him towards the kitchen.

"Uh.." Was all I heard from him and I opened the door showing him all the sweets, food and other various meals I could make.

"Well I'll be damned you made the kitchen into a Kanato's home." He chuckled and I giggled as I motioned for him to help me as we grabbed the food and walked back upstairs towards my room.

"Are you making what I'm thinking your making?" He asked again and I nodded my head opening the door as we entered.

I placed the food down on the empty table and looked at him to see his jaw dropped and eyes widen as he looked around my room.

"I am in the North Pole." He said seeing Christmas lights and decorations.

"You made this all by yourself?" I nodded my head as answer and grabbed his hand leading him back to the kitchen and bringing all the food back towards my room so Kanato won't find them and eat them.

"Does anyone know about this?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Is this supposed to be a surprise for us?"

"Yes." I replied and he smiled ruffling my hair.

"I'll help you with that, besides they'll need to smile for a change." I nodded my head in agreement and told him my plan for the surprise Christmas party that we are having.

"Are you sure you want to invite Bitch-Chan? She can be a bitch sometimes." He said to me, but I shrugged and gave him a reassuring smile as he did the same.

"Alright, if you say so." He said smiling back and we part ways sleeping.

Laito went into the garden plucking the petals from Subaru's rose garden so he could spread it all over the floor leading towards my room. I let him dress up into a outfit, but he made it more...kinky... as for me I wore a white thigh high stocking, green dress with white fur on the chest part and the hem of the dress, green shoes with a red fluffy ball at the end and a green Christmas Santa hat. I took the presents out my closet and placed them under the tree before peeking out of my door as I saw Laito standing in front of Shuu's room finishing the last trail. He looked at me waiting for my signal as I took the bell out and jiggle it once and he nodded knocking in the doors before teleporting in his room and I closed the door to mine. I could here doors opening as I stood at the middle of the room waiting for them to enter.

Third Person P.O.V

"What the hell are rose petals outside the hall?!" Reiji shouted with anger and Laito shook his head.

"Why does it lead towards Lavender's room is the question." Shuu stopped in front of the room and looked at everyone behind him and then he spotted Laito wearing something different.

"What's with you and those clothes?" Shuu asked and Laito shrugged.

"I found it and it's cozy." He said to him and Shuu didn't seem to take it, but he could careless.

He knocked on to Lavender's door gently as he heard a soft sound of 'Come in' coming from the other side of the door.

Lavender's P.O.V

The door opened revealing Shuu and the other's who looked at me shocked except Laito who walked towards me with a smile on his face. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" We both shouted to them and Angel barked with happiness wagging his tail.

"How...when...who..." Reiji stuttered looking around my room room.

"How: it's because Christmas is my favorite! When: it was yesterday and Who: it's me and Laito mostly me." I smiled happily and Kanato looked behind me seeing making his eyes widen.

"TEDDY THERE'S SWEETS!!" He shouted and ran towards the table full of sweets and making me giggle.

"Please enjoy the party with us." I said to them and they smiled at me giving me a hug as Yui huffed, but still walked inside.

We had fun and laughed as we ate. That's when I began giving them their gifts. "Here is for Laito." I said giving Laito his gift.







"And last, but not least, Kanato." I handed the last one to Kanato as they all opened their gifts and their mouths dropped.

"Thank you soo much." Reiji said holding his new English tea set.

"We don't have a gift for you though." Subaru said sadly which made everyone look at me and I gave them a smile.

"I already have mine." I said to them and they tilted their heads with curiosity.

"Being with all of you and having fun is already a gift for me. So thank you." I gave them a smile and we all hugged leaving Yui out who is holding a perfume she always wanted for a long time.

This is the memory I will always cherish forever.

Dear Smilers (Bad at giving my followers names, but please make one for me)

Thank you for reading this story! I hope you like it and I'm sorry for grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes in the books I had made and I'm sorry I haven't been updating or publishing books it's because of stress and school and all that shaz is getting in my brain making me forget or have no time for me to make books and all that! I hope you all could forgive me and I know I publish this early, but why the fuck not? - Love Author-Chan

P.S Merry Christmas to all and have a Safe Christmas!

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