Wave Eight

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Floating. Leira could no longer feel her body. She tried to thrash her tail, but didn’t know if it was even moving at all. Strands of pure energy twirled and skimmed around her body. They sent patterns of light dancing off her scales. Sending out her signal of distress had been pure instinct and she was scarcely aware of doing it. But it had taken its toll.

Succumbing to the pulses of light that were circling and twining about her, Leira drifted in and out of darkness. Her eyes were sometimes searching frenetically, at other times rolling back into her head as her forehead bowed helplessly.

          All the while, she was connected to her mother’s being which seemed to grow stronger and closer as Leira weakened. The Source had grown too bright to bear and during her lucid moments, Leira couldn’t even open her eyes against its glare. She sensed it slowly bringing her closer, the tendrils of light-like tentacles drawing her further from safety. Her mother’s presence didn’t dim Leira’s fear, yet she clung to it and sought it out amongst the other loud whispers that echoed inside her mind. Too weak to question how her mother was somehow inside a Source, Leira simply continued to survive as the Source relentlessly pulled her closer to it. It was slowly sapping the energy from her form.

          Cam’s screams stopped.

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