Darya’s figure was obscured by shadows as Leira swam to meet her. Shock swept across her eyes before she recovered her composure. Flicking her tail to draw to a stop, Leira realised Darya hadn’t seen her for a while. She must look so different now. Her tail was becoming more and more streaked with white, and she had many new scars.
(I heard you left the Nest.) Darya, business-like as ever, wasted no time in beginning their discussion. Leira searched her face for signs of compassion, but saw none. Darya hadn’t even acknowledged her father’s death.
(Yes. But I didn’t find any Sources,) she added as Darya moved to project. (I only came here to tell you the deal’s off.) And has been for a long time, she added to herself. (I’m a Scout in all but tail colour.)
If Darya was surprised, she didn’t show it. She brought her hands to her head and rubbed the back of her neck, as though trying to ease some of her tension out.
(Will you continue your training?) she finally thought.
(No. I’ve caused enough damage.) Leira didn’t need to explain what she meant. Eli’s name hung between them, but neither of them projected it. Leira raised her tail to Darya’s wrist-orb to reinforce her point. Her whitened scales shone out against the amethyst ones, like trickles of pale blood. Darya’s face hardened and she set her jaw. Leira could tell she was struggling to contain her emotions. Eventually she managed to control herself. She forced out a projection before speeding away.
(Then he should’ve let you die.)
The weight of Darya’s words struck Leira, and she wilted against the wall. The guilt she’d ignored for so long washed over her. Drawing her hands to her face, her body shook with ragged cries. Leira felt her father’s absence more than ever. Grief settled in her chest like a knot. She remained at the wall for so long, her wrist orb began to splutter. Eventually she calmed and headed back to the Scout caverns.
Her friends were waiting for her. Leira noticed Tal could barely keep still, darting around outside the Scouts’ quarters. Nerida swam on the spot, avoiding Leira’s gaze. Hali had pressed her hand to the wall of the cavern. It kept her in place. Her only movement was a slight twitch of her tail, giving away her emotions. Leira searched for the source of her friends’ distress. From the shadows of the entrance, Darya emerged. She swam to Leira, and trailed her fingers lazily down Leira’s face. They came to rest lightly on her collarbone as Darya projected softly,
(Just wanted to meet your friends, Leira. You seem so attached to them.) Leira eyed Darya warily, trying to shrug off her hand. Darya tightened her grip, her nails digging in to Leira’s skin.
(It’s funny, you made it sound like you were all so close, like you were one of them. But they didn’t seem to know about our little deal.) Darya wrenched her hand from Leira, and Leira flinched as her skin tore. The leader of the Guardians drew herself up, towering above Leira. She thought loudly, so all of them could hear,
(Now the deal’s off.) Without a backward glance, Darya whirled away.

FantasyThink you know mermaids? Think again. (Think underwater Twilight) **** "Our waters are changing. We've known it for a while now. We can sense it. We can taste it. We can feel it." Imagine growing up your whole life believing you know who you are, w...