I never knew

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Y/n's pov-
Elizabeth walks over to you and stared at you. You groan as she makes your head hurt. "Gahhhhh!" You groan as she concentrated to make increase the pain. Ban grabs her arm and throws her into a wall. " Ban...you can't stop her...she is too str- strong! " You say. She gets back up and let's her hand hover over your head. "Please! Stop!" you say through your groans. "No! It's all your fault!" Elizabeth says. Meliodas pulls Elizabeth back and Elizabeth turns around and kisses him. Elizabeth doesn't let Meliodas escape her kiss, she kisses him again and again until Ban, yanks Elizabeth away from Meliodas. "I got Elizabeth! Take care of Y/n!" Meliodas yells. Ban let's go of Elizabeth and runs towards me. He picks me up bridal style and carried me to his room. "Thank you Ban." you say. "Your welcome little sis." he replies. A few hours later you fall into a deep healing sleep. You wake up to Ban's snoring. You get up and kiss Ban on the cheek before walking out to eat. Crap...you forgot...Ban's sleep so that means no food. I am not eating Meli's food again. I'm going to the market there's gonna be some pain..some people gonna hurt me ...all I wanted was some food ...then I come home to Elizabeth..I'm already not in the mood!;you sing. You walk through Camelot and the town throws sticks and stones... just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I can't feel pain.You keep walking and get your f/f(favorite food) for Ban to cook and walk to the tavern. You turn around when you hear a sound.Elizabeth.You gasp and before you can move,Elizabeth puts a hand over your mouth and teleports you to a dark room.
Ban's pov-
I wake up and see Captain. "Where's y/n?" He asks,looking directly at me. "Well I slept with her last night because I laid her down in my room and then I wake up and she's gone." I explain. Then...our surroundings go white. Elizabeth speaks,"Complete two tasks and y/n is freed"she says. "I'll snap your neck and kill you!"I say. 7 monsters fly toward us. I flick my hand twice and all the monsters fall. "Completed...task 1."a female robotic voice says. Then I see a new generation holy night...not the regular ones,...the big ugly deformed ones. Meliodas uses full counter which kills the "holy knight". "Completed.. task 2..." the robotic voice says again. I see Elizabeth and I run toward her. She tries to attack but I sneak behind her. I twist her head to the left which snaps her neck...then I grab her sword and stab her in the stomach. "Ban..."I hear a voice say. Y/n! I run toward her and bury her in my chest. "Ban..."she says,crying. I see scratches and bruises on her arms and legs. The whole way home she's whimpering and limping. "What's wrong?" I ask,when we're in the house.She points to her leg,which has a gash. I run to Captain and tell him what's wrong. He gets bandages and cleans her wound. She lets out a low growl as Meliodas cleans her wound with alcohol.Meliodas then puts the bandages on Y/n's leg and helps her stand up. "Thanks big brother,thanks Meli."she says. "Come on Y/n let's go drink some ale!"Meliodas offers. "N-no thanks...I'll pass."she says wearily. "How bout you Ban?"he asks me. "Nah...I'll stay with the little tyke here..."I say,tugging on y/n's ear. "Stop it."she whines,pushing me away. We walk upstairs and before you can say "Fox bait"...we were sleep on the bed right next to each other. Somehow when we wake up my arms are around y/n's waist. I look at the time and it's 5 A.M., I hear the other sins laughing so before a flick by hand to throw them out,I flip them off and lay my head back down. The second time I wake up Y/n's hands are around my waist and her head is on my chest. It's 12 in the afternoon,I roll my eyes and wait for my little sister to wake up...
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