✨1:2✨ Wrong Number

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Jungkook put on some regular clothes nothing special, he was going to meet up with 'the Wrong Number guy' which name he didn't know.

He walked through the busy streets of Seoul as something caught his eye, it was a small boy. Jungkook assuming that he was lost, decided to go to the boy which made him look up at the older.

"Eomma?" The boy said as he reached out a hand, Jungkook took it, assuming that was what he wanted to older to do.

"What does she look like?" Jungkook asked as he scanned the big crowds of people.

"Gween euyes and bwon hair( green eyes and brown hair)" the boy pointed at his features,"And clothes?" Jungkook asked the younger to not make a random assumption, in asking the wrong person.

"Bue jaccet and buack buuts( blue jacket and black boots)"

At the final answer Jungkooks eyes landed on a worried looking woman, he tightened his grip on the small hand as he led the younger towards his mother.

"Excuse me but is this your son?" Jungkook said, earning the attention of the woman.

"Omg you found him, thank you so much" the woman bent down and hugged the little one.

"You're welcome" Jungkook felt proud for doing something good, as Jungkook was about to leave, the small one tugged his shirt while saying a shy goodbye. Jungkook did a friendly smile before also saying a goodbye to the family.

Jungkook then remembered about the meet up in the café which made him leave the family to walk to his final destination( get the reference? No ok bye), the café was seemingly empty but he noticed a guy which he thought seemed familiar.

"Wrong Number dude?" Jungkook asked as he walked to the latter.

"Yep that's m—, wait rude dude?"

"Thought you would've remembered me since you said that i looked hotter in real life" Jungkook said as he sat down at the table.

"Yeah sorry, why'd you take so long to come?"

"I helped a lost boy find his mom" Jungkook bluntly said as he scratched his head.

"Right", btw what's your name? I remember that we never said eatchothers name over texts"

"And why should i tell you, you're going to leave me alone after this right" Jungkook's dry words hit Taehyung like a bullet but he just played it off, "Rude, well my name is Taehyung" the guy which the author now can call Taehyung in the book said, as he did a peace sign while smiling.

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