✨3:1✨ Wrong Number

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"Jungkook-ah" Jungkook was busy in his train of thoughts that he didn't notice Taehyung who was calling his name, he was thinking about what he should do, he didn't want to hurt Taehyung by ditching him but if he were about to stay they would hurt him anyway.

"Jungkook are you troubled? You've been acting strange lately" this made Jungkook stop his thinking and look at the older,".....no im fine, i've just been thinking about some stuff" there was a small silence before Taehyung spoke"..ok " Teahyung sighed before scratching his head.

Jungkook faked a reassuring smile before telling Taehyung that he needed to leave since he had forgot to do something important which was a lie, what he really needed to do was to tell Taehyung about what's happening, but did he have the curidge.... no, he didn't.


Jungkook went back home, only to notice a car that was parked dangerously close to his house. It wasn't Taehyung's since they had walked to the cinema so who's was it? Jungkook slowly opened his door and looked inside his house and to his relief, the house looked just as he left it, nothing had been moved or taken but that didn't change the fact that the car was so close.

That night Jungkook didn't go to bed, he was to busy checking through the windows and such to make sure that no one was there. The car never left and that was one of Jungkook's biggest worries.

Jungkook's stomach made a loud growl which made him leave his post to go eat but to stopped when he heard a sound from his basement, who could be there?

Jungkook wasn't stupid, he wouldn't enter the basement when he heard a scary sound, he was just going to open the door and check, so he did just that. His eyes looked down the long staircase that led down into darkness and just when he was to turn around to get a flashlight something made him lose his balance and fall down the staircase.


So guys this fanfic will end in a few chapters and maybe just maybe i'll do a sequel or even a second book but that's just a maybe. It all depends if you guys want it.

Have fun reading!

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