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"Write drunk,

Edit sober."

Ernest Hemingway


"You are not your parents, you are you. Think like you."




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"People don't really say what they're thinking."



"I am a very strong believer that whoever is meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, regardless how far they wonder."



"All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire."

Edgar Allan Poe


"  If you just "have a feeling" or think you know something, trust yourself. It doesn't matter if it doesn't seem logical, it doesn't matter if you don't consider yourself empathic, claircognizant, or clairsentient. If you think you should stop whatever you're doing, be it spell or mundande task, stop. If you think you should walk a different way, do it. Your intuition will guide you and warn you of events to come, and guide you to exactly where you need to be and when. You have spirits, guides, angels, ancestors, elementals, deities, or whatever else looking after you. If something seems right, it probably is. This being said, don't get paranoid about every thought you have coming true. If it's something you need to know, you'll just know.  "



" you do not just wake up and become the butterfly.

growth is a process."


"Some people have a million hearts while others have none

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"Some people have a million hearts while others have none."

 A kindergarten student


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