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Jung Hoseok POV

Did you see him?


You were going to meet him for the drug deal right?

Yes I was, but he didn't meet us, it was someone else

I failed.


Fuck, i was this close to finding out how RM, the biggest mafia lord around the world looked like, and i lost the chance.

I am an undercover agent from the intelligence agency who was given the task of finding out who was RM. To everyone at the agency i was working for the good of my country , for the good of this generation's youth, if we find out RM or any of the members from his circle, it wouldn't take time for us to destroy him, but for me, i wanted to find RM , for one thing.

To kill him, and not naturally but in the most painful way he could ever imagine, just like the way he burnt my father's house, burning my soul with it, i wanted to do that to him, i wanted to kill his soul first and then him.

In this huge world, this monster must be having an innocent lamb he loves, and i don't care who that is, it can be his mother, father, siblings or his lover, i will torture them first and watch him scream and then kill him.

My father knew who he was, he had seen his face, he had called me that night to tell me who he was when i heard a loud screaming voice from his side of the phone, then everything went silent. I drove to his house to find firefighters and Police cars standing outside my dad's burning house.

I had promised my father on his grave that the day i find his murderer i will torture him so much that he would be begging me for death.

I stopped my car in front of a super market and got out of it, i had to buy some groceries that mom had told me to, after my father's death my mother lives with me, i like it, she makes my large four bedroom apartment feel like home.

I was at the groceries counter filling my trolley with vegetables when i heard two boys, one with brown hair and the other with dyed grey hair probably between twenty to twenty four years old, bickering over something really stupid.

'Joonie, don't argue with me on this, Brussels sprouts are good for health, and we are going to buy them', the one with brown hair said, he looked really angry with the other boy, he picked up the packed version of chopped Brussels sprouts and put it in the trolley, the other boy rolled his eyes, took it out from the trolley and placed it on the shelf, 'Nooo, please Jinie, i am done eating Brussels sprouts, it tastes like dead plants, if you buy that it will go to waste, lets buy some ramen', he tries to pull the brown haired boy, who i think is Jinnie away from the vegetable counter but the boy snatches his hand out of Joon's hand and once again placed the Brussels sprouts in his trolley.

By now i was laughing so hard, that i didn't notice them staring at me, when i did, i instantly closed my mouth looking at them dumbfounded, they must be thinking of me as some weird creepy guy.

'You embarrass me Joonie', Jinnie whisper screamed at the taller boy. I laughed again, i couldn't control it, they looked like an old married couple, so cute and adorable.

I walk up to those to boys and smile, 'I am terribly sorry for laughing like that, i just found you guys adorable, i am sorry if it bothered you'

'No its okay, my fiance', Jinnie, the brown haired boy,pointed his index finger towards the taller lanky grey haired boy, 'was not listening, i mean, what is wrong with eating veggies?'

'That's because they taste yuck mom', he rolled his eyes.

'Shut up Joonie, and don't call me mom, and we are going to eat this no matter what, we will mix it with macaroni and cheese then you can eat it'

'What? Do you want to ruin mac & cheese for me now?'

'Are you questioning my cooking skills KIM NAMJOON?'

'n-no', Namjoon said in a tiny voice. He picked up the Brussels sprouts and placed it in the trolley, earning a smile from Jinie. I was trying hard not to laugh as i pressed my lips in a straight line. It had been ages since i felt like this, happy. The couple looked at me, and then i understood why,

'Oh i am so sorry, i shouldn't be standing here like an idiot, i will just mind my own business, i am new to this town', i grin, and start walking back to my trolley, 'I have been too lonely , so lonely that i have started to listen other people's conversation', i grumble under my breath, not expecting them to hear it.

'Are you lonely, and new to the city?', the brown haired guy asks me.

'Jin, you don't just ask some one like that', the tall boy says to him,

'No its okay, i don't mind, and to answer your question, i live with my mom, but i don't have any friends around here, so you can say that', i don't meet their eyes as i say that, they are probably judging me for behaving like some wimp who listens to other people's conversation because he has no friends.

The brown haired guy just smiles at me and says, 'You wanna come to our house for a coffee after this? We will even show you around the town a bit if you don't mind', my mouth curved up in a smile, it had been a long time since i spoke to humans my age, let alone hang out with any,

'Sure why not, i am Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi ',i said smiling.

'I am Kim Seokjin' Jinnie pointed to himself then at the taller one, 'and this is Kim Namjoon'


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