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I gag on the plastic in my mouth as i pull out another packet of white powder from my mouth.

'And that's seven hundred in total, '

I breathe heavily as i get up from my kneeling position in front of the round glass table while a beefy man wearing gloves counts the number of plastic packets on the table, checking if it was the exact amount they had asked for.

Swallowing packets of drugs was much better than stuffing up in the ass anyways, unlike last time, when i nearly fainted while the men kept poking my butt hole looking for more of the packets.

'You are getting better and better at this job, Jimin, we might promote you', i hear James say to me, he is a tall American man with platinum blonde hair and some missing teeth, he takes care of us drug mules, giving us money when we do the job right, or killing us on the spot if some of the packets go missing, our lives are not worth seven hundred dollars of cocaine anyways.

That's what i am , a drug mule, a new one at that, i don't know much about where i am working or for whom, just that these people give me money for whatever i do for them, which is basically what i need desperately, being a high school drop out wasn't easy.

I drag my feet and drop myself on a near by couch and look up the ceiling, breathing heavily, i pick up the bottle of water kept on the table among st other things and drink almost half the bottle, feeling the liquid flow through my sore throat.

The hotel room is big as compared to my crappy one room studio flat which stinks of dead fish, it is clean and smells of fresh flowers and expensive cologne.

James tells me to wait while the other drug mules leave the hotel room, its not a room , its a villa, a beautiful one at that, while James and other men and women stuff the drugs in big suitcases i close my eyes for a while.

It had been almost forty six hours since i had slept, when there are about a hundred packets stuffed in your esophagus you don't really sleep, you can't when you constantly feel like someone is choking you.

I wake up to James shaking me, he grins at me and hands me a slick silver gun, i look at him puzzled , 'what's this?'

'You are fired'

'What?', i shout

And he just laughs at me, 'go take a shower, and wear the suit i have kept on the bed, you are promoted, not everyone can do a job like yours so efficiently in the first go, only someone who is really desperate', he says as he loads his gun with bullets, 'And this job requires desperate people'.

The water droplets from the shower relax my skinny muscles, it had been ages since i last showered, the expensive shower gels make me feel more than clean, i don't smell of garbage anymore but fresh strawberries, i dry myself as i see myself in the mirror.

My once chubby body now looks malnourished, the abs and muscles that i had two years ago are non existent now, my eyes look dull and big, almost like an owl who hadn't slept for days, my face doesn't look healthy anymore, except for my mouth, which looks more like a protruding bird's beak due to the sunken cheekbones.

After changing into the black Chanel suit, polished Gucci black shiny shoes and wearing the silver earrings that James had laid out for me, i am ready for whatever errand James asks me to do next.

He tells me that today he will introduce me to one of the higher ups of the drug ring, he says, this man is the right hand of our chief, one of the biggest drug lords of all Asia, and also the youngest amongst all of them.

We sit in his car while the driver takes us to the mansion , "The Den" , is what it is called, everyone in the circle knew about it, only the core members could be in this group. I was nervous getting out of the car, i walked behind James as he led the way, the gaurds stopped us in front of the large gates and told us to look in one of the cameras fitted above the gate, when we did, the guards opened the gates and led us in.

I kept tripping over myself as i looked around the mansion, my eyes wide and mouth open wide, we were lead towards a room, where many tall thick men stood outside the door with their heavy guns ready on their arms, the room was lit by a big chandelier hanging in the middle, and there right in the middle of the room sat a pale man on a king size chair, with other beefy men surrounding him, his kitten eyes kept staring at me as me and James entered the room, he pulled my arm making me look at him, he signaled me to bow down at the pale man, which i did, bowing ninety degrees to show respect to the man sitting in front, he looked young to be at such a high post, but who am i to judge here anyways.

I kept looking down on the floor as i heard someone coming to us, suddenly long bony fingers grabbed my chin and jerked my body up, the pale man with kitten eyes came closer to my face as his fingers held my jaw tighter, 'Who is this James?', he asks.

'A new recruit sir, he is a drug mule, but i was thinking of promoting him today, he knows taekwondo, through some training he could be one of our hit man, he is really loyal and desperate',

'Hm, why would you want such a beautiful thing as a hitman,  i would promote him as my personal slut if you don't mind'.


*CLAP CLAP* another chapter yaaay

good or bad you decide

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