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Junmyeon POV:

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Junmyeon POV:

'That's it.' i thought. 'That's the moment it all goes to shit.' I said to myself sighing and walking over to the counter of the all to familiar coffee shop I'm so used to.
- Uhh, hello? - 'Okay, Junmyeon you got it' i tried to encourage myself, even though sarcastically but still in vain.
- Oh hi, how can I help you? - asked ,with a soft smile, the voice that I learned to adore quite a lot in a short span of time. 'There goes nothing.' I thought 'Now or never'.
- Uhh hi, so.. umm.. ca...can I have your number?... Please?- 'Good job you idiot, you've done it now'. I scolded myself in my mind
- Oh my, yeah of course, to be fairly honest I was quite interested in you myself, so I wanted to ask you..... - I kind of stopped listening to him because I was over the top out of happiness but come on if your crush says that he or she likes you back how will you react.Especially if your crush is someone like Sehun, Oh Sehun to be specific and he is the most perfect person I have ever laid my eyes on. He is tall and slender but muscular in just the right places. He has an almost ideal facial structure with his pale skin, thin, rosy lips that are oh-so-kissable and firm looking, deep brown, almond shaped eyes that have been captivating me for a while now. He has also a mop of black fluffy hair, that goes to underneath his eyebrows, on top of his head that suits him just right. Sometimes I wonder how can a person like me can even imagine that has a chase with him.
- Umm hey?? - he said waiving his hand in front of my face.
  - I...I'm sorry what did you say? - I said blushing with embarrassment.
- You got a little carried away there. Are you that happy that you will get my number? - he chuckled, raising a brow at me - I asked if I can have your phone so I can put my number in for ya. - he repeated the words that I didn't hear because i was too busy daydreaming over him apparently.
- Yeah of course, sorry that I didn't pay attention. - I said handing him my smartphone. He put in his number and dialed himself. When a phone's ringtone went off in the small coffee shop he pulled his one, out of his back pocket and showed me the screen.
  - There, now I have your number and you have mine. When is it okay for me to take you out, Junmyeon?- 'Huh, what the..? He knows my name?'
- How do you....- I wanted to ask him about that but thought against it because I was unreasonably nervous.  
- Um.... tomorrow is okay? - I said in more of a questioning manner.
- Okay so is tomorrow at 7:30 pm fine for you?- he asked
- Yeah, perfectly fine. - I confirmed - Oh, and by the way what did you want to ask me before? - he asked me.

- Um, well I..I wanted to ask you..How do you know my name? - I asked him actually kind of curious.
- Well how can I not know the name of the person that I'm very interested in. - he said smiling, emphasising on the word 'very' and looking right into my eyes.
I was a blushing and stuttering mess now 'Fucking great Junmyeon, can't you control and not embarrass yourself in front of everyone you talk, to especially your crush'.
- Uhh, o..okay then it...it was nice talking to you, Sehun. - I said and walked in a embarrassingly fast pace to the exit of the shop.
'Well, that was a fucking mess.' I thought to myself and hurried home.

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