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Junmyeon POV:

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Junmyeon POV:

' - "No....mama, no..... MAMA NO, DON'T GO, DONT LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HIM."
I was crying hysterically, while being held down by the monster, that dared to call himself my father. I watched my mother's back as she walked out of the door with her suitcase in hand.
- "MAMA....." '
I jolted upwards on my bed, panting. 'I really fucking hate that dream.' I thought to myself as one single tear slipped down my cheek.
I wiped it off and got out of bed, walking to the kitchen for a glass of water.
As I was walking back to my bedroom I passed the mirror in the hallway. I looked at myself and thought 'How can you even imagine that you have a chance with him....look at yourself'. My inner thoughts were quite right to be completely honest. With my scrawny and skinny physique, way too pale skin, thin, equally as pale lips and dark circles under my small, brown eyes I didn't know where I was going. I looked at myself one last time taking in my appearance with my disheveled, all over the place dark brown hair. I sighed and went back to bed thinking about both Sehun and what can happen between us and that fucking dream that I keep having since that day...
I close my eyes as I get lured into dreamland.

Sehun POV: 
I reached out to my phone to check the time. It was around 5 am, I decided that there is no point in going back to sleep, because my alarm will go off in around half an hour regardless. I got up and went to my window, opening it. It was still dark outside so I took the opportunity to look at the stars. I took out a cigarette box from the pocket of my joggers and pulled one cigarette out, lighting it. I took a drag out of the tobacco product and started thinking about the only person that was on my mind these past days.    

- Junmyeon. - his name came out sharp in the deafening silence as I said it out loud.
'You're going to be only mine and no one else's' I thought to myself and I was indeed thinking of making that though a reality. This boy was going to be mine and mine only, no body else could have him. Yeah, I might sound crazy but I was quite intrigued by that pale skinned beauty for a while now. I had been watching him since the day he stepped his foot in that coffee shop in all his glory and I was thinking of going over to him sometime and asking him out but he did that for me and I'm quite happy about it. 'Tomorrow is the day' i said to myself as I extinguished my cigarette and started preparing for work.

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