Chapter 8

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Luke's POV half a day

I had just finished training the Gods and campers. they were throwing up there lunch and laying panting on the ground.

" Get the Fuck up you worthless Gods and MORTALS." I screamed. they stood up looking wary. not even Zeus spoke. They walked to the dinning pavilion and the nympho's brought out pasta, orange juices, water, salmon ( Poseidon couldn't eat it.), bananas, and toast. No body spoke because they were to tired from training to even talk. Out of nowhere Chaos steps out of a portal and looks at the angles.

We immediately jumped up and said " my Lord." he waved us off

" I'll show you what Percy is going through." father said. after he said that a screen appeared showing Percy running. he jumped from a tree only to be tackled from behind by a huge gorrila. Percy struggled for a bit trying to get away. the gorrila pulled Percy's arm snapping it. I thought Percy would yell but instead. he reared his head back and headbutted the beast causing it to stumble. Percy than snapped his arm back in to place. you saw the muscle in his arm rippling as he did this. a lot of people threw up. Percy formed fire knuckles and punched gorrila. the beast hissed in pain and rawred. The beast went to punch Percy but Percy caught the punch and snapped its arm. the beast rawred in agony. you saw fear grip it's eyes. from then I knew the gorrila was scared. Percy punched through its chest and ripped its heart out. Percy sighed.

" time to eat I guess." he said picking up the gorrila. at this the image was gone.


It's been a whole year in this hell hole. I have met monsters and animals that would send you running for your life. these things are way bigger than anything you will ever see. I got visted half a year ago by Nyx seeing if I was ok. Chaos came and told me how everyone was doing. he said Luke was training everyone till they puke. That was my Luke my best friend. you are probably wondering how I know when they are here. they go to the spot were my gear is and let there aura flow. at this animals get scared and run away from it. so that how I found out. as I ran I started thinking about my Zoe.

"I miss my Zoe. I miss her volanic eyes her long flowing hair. Her lips her smile..... Gods WHY AM I HERE." I screamed out loud causing birds to scatter around me and fright. I heard loud foot steps and I knew it was a gaint dinosaur. And yes I said Dinosaur this thing was as taller than the God's at There full size.  It ran at me bearing its huge teeth. once it was close enough I lunged to the side dodging its teeth. I grabbed its tail and huffed as I lifted the dinousar smashing into a tree. it rawr in pain and tried to swipe me with its tail. I caught it with my body that caused me to slide back a little and cough up some blood. but I grabbed it's tail again and threw it into another tree causing the several trees to break. I slowing walked over to it and kicked it hard sending it flying a few feet. It growled but bowed its head submissively. Looks like I have a pet dino.

I walked away to go hunt for my food. but before that I want to get my Ipod so I could listen to  music while I hunt and run. As I ran I had my bow that I was allowed to use seeing as I was only allowed to hunt with it. I ran full speed chasing a huge bird that was about as big a small sudan. I was in the trees following it and shooting arrows. Each arrow that I fired hit its mark until it gave a final cry as It crashed 50 miles away from me. Once I reached it a saw a pack of wolves. but these weren't regular wolves they were about the size of Mrs.O'Leary and had the skin of a Nemean lion. There coat were black and gold. they snarled as I reached the bird I growled at the Wolves. I was dealing with the Alpha of all the packs. He narrowed his eyes at me and attacked me. I side stepped and dropped my bow. I'm not allowed to use my weapons only powers and my inhuman abilities. I summoned the monster inside me. I grew wings and my eyes turned red with dark spots, my hand turned into claws, and my teeth were sharper. I had two 4 inch horns. In my monster form I can penetrate the skin of the nemean lion. I charged the beast as he charged me. we collided and you heard a boom sound. he tried to bite me as I swiped at his face. he jumped back at my swipe. At this the pack charged all trying to get a hit in. I dodge and side stepped but the Alpha got lucky and bit my shoulder causing me to grunt. I shook him off as I landed a bone crushing punch to one of the wolves causing it to whimper and back off. I turned and kicked another in a tree causeing the tree to shatter and knock out the wolve. I side step a wolve as it lunged at me from behind me. I side stepped I punched it in the jaw snapping in on contact. I heard a howl causing the others to stop. the Alpha stepped forward again and we fought. he bit my leg as I scratch his side. I grunted and he growled at me. We circled each other. I was lumping a bit. he noticed this and lunged at my bad leg. I was expecting this and I side stepped driving my claws into his into his side to his heart. he howled as he fell lifelessly. The Other wolves Howled and bowed to me. I looked a little confused about this and started limping away. I'm guessing the pack sensed this and a wolve ran to my side for me to lean on. I was taken back by this until I heard a vioce in my head. 

" My lord allow us to assist you."  A wolve spoke to me. I was bewildered by this and stared at the Wolve. it seemed to sense my state of confusion.

My lord you were bitten by the Alpha wolve causing you to change. you also killed him taking his spot in the pack. the Beta was his mate but since it was forced she was happy he was killed. but please allow us to show you our appreciation. we will train you to be the Alpha wolve." the wolve stated I turned to see my dinner being dragged by the wolves.

they guided me to a cave. I looked around and the weirdest thing happened... they turned slightly human. they had tails, wolve claws and wolve ears. they had golden eyes with black iris. they looked at me strange until I'm guessing Beta stepped up.

" your eyes they are black with golden iris and sea green specks. that is weird." she said looking at me up and down. the wolves just dragged in the bird and began to cook it. each of them eyed me suspiciously.

" look guys I'm only here for four years to train my powers and anger." I said looking at them.

" we can help you with the transformation." a random wolve stated.

" don't I turn every full moon." I said a little puzzled. the wolves released a howl of laughter and shock there heads.

"we wolves don't change because of the moon. we change by our emotions if we are not careful. but you will soon learn to be like us." Beta spoke looking at me staring into my eyes. I had a feeling she has taken a liking to me. but here we go with more training.

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