Chapter 1

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Footsteps. A scream.

The darkness drowned me, heightening my fears. Walking over to a metal table I used as a bed, a tiny knock could be heard at the door.

"Come quick!" The mysterious voice whispered with urgency. "If you ever want to leave this retched place, follow me now."

Quiet as a mouse, I turned and ran.

We had been running for hours strait, and a sharp pain began to form on my side. Whimpering, my pace began to slow, alerting my rescuer.

"If you need to, we could rest 'till morning, I could... I could... I could find us a place to sleep," the voice promised. "Uh, how about over here."

Bunches of shrubs dotted the grassy plain. A slow moving river cut through the grass like a knife. Millions upon millions of brilliantly bright stars lit up the midnight blue sky. Little rosy red flowers clung to shrubs, giving of a bittersweet scent.

I followed my rescuer to a larger patch of bushes close to the river. I sat down with my back resting on a shrub.

"Why did you save me? Me! Out of everyone there, you chose me," I calmly stated, getting a good look at my rescuer. He had dirty blond hair that went down to his eyebrows. Freckles spotted his face, while his vibrantly green eyes searched for pursuers. His scrawny arms and legs gave him the appearance of a fifteen year old boy.

"Your cell was next to mine, and I thought I'd give another person a chance at escape," he stated bluntly.

"Well, okay." I spit out at him. "My name is Samantha, but my friends call me Sam. What's your name?"

"I don't exactly have a name... not that I remember anyway," misery flooded his voice.

"Then I'll just have to call you Edward, or Ed for short."

He warily smiled, then layed down to go to sleep. Following his example, I took one last look at the marvelous sky and my mysterious rescuer.

The Boy Named EdwardWhere stories live. Discover now