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Adrienna P.O.V

After we left the meeting we left to get some food since we didn't really eat anything.

Now here we are in some diner , we couldn't risk being in some fancy restaurant. not that I could complain I didn't like being surrounded by cocky rich fucks.

We sat in a large round booth in the back corner of the dinner.

Seth" Why must everywhere we go people have to look at us?" He said sounding annoyed.

He was sitting on the right from Bellamy and Levi being on the edge, while across from him was Lilly next to her was me while sits Dominic on the edge.

Levi " because we're all very good looking" he said winking at a waitress.

Lilly " or maybe because Bellamy accidentally showed one of the waitress his gun " she said looking at him with a deadpanned look.

Bellamy " nope we're just all good looking expect you and Adri" he said laughing

Lilly " please we bring in the most attention"

'  not that we intentionally seek for it, it just happens' I say looking at Lilly smiling.

Dominic " well is that so?" He said making me look at him with a smug look on my face.

' indeed, but never the less you all are somewhat handsome' I gave him a wink.

Seth " yeah okay-

I zoned out of the conversation and glanced around the diner. There wasn't really anyone here, Their was a couple that sat in front of a large window, an elderly man sitting alone at the counter drinking some coffee. And a group of kids that looked to be a year younger then me.

Before I could react bullets started to fly coming from outside breaking the window, hitting the woman in the shoulder that was with the man. He stared at her in shock before pushing her under the table while all the other hid as well. In that moment it felt like minutes when in reality it was merely a few seconds.

We quickly got up and began to run to the back exit.

Lilly " what the fuck?!" She yelled as we slowed down once we reached the door.

Levi " not even a full 48 hours were here and someone is already after us"

We quickly left the diner and tried to comprehend what just happened in a back alley .

' Alright we all need to clam down before we think with our weapons instead of our heads' I said looking over at Dominic who looked like he was about to kill just about anyone.

Everyone was talking on what to do but I zoned out, I don't know if it was the Adrenalin flowing though my veins but I needed him now, walking over to Dominic I placed my hands on his face bringing him to meet mine. I roughly placed my lips on his and kissed him like my life depended on it. His hands found their way on my waist tightening their hold. While mine were tangled in his hair pulling on the roots. Our lips perfectly moved together in sync, he was placing all of his anger into this kiss. We both fought for dominance, But he wasn't having it his hands roamed to my ass and squeezed he had caught me off guard which lead to me gasping giving him full access . His tongue expertly dancing with mine like we've done the same dance for decades.

He pulled away leaving us both breathing heavily, My hands slid down to his chest.

Dominic " we need to leave well discuss later"

We all walked toward the side walk when we heard police sirens.

Dominic " Bellamy delete all the footage of us entering the diner and leaving and us leading up to it" he said roughly gritting through his teeth.

Bellamy " already on it" he said while grabbing his phone from his pocket.

we were walking towards the car and everything seemed normal for the most part. I glanced around the street and there was no one expect a few teenage kids playing football. I looked away and towards the car we were about 45 feet away from.
All of a sudden I saw the football the kids were playing with hit the top of the hood of our car followed by a loud explosion. We looked at the now flaming car and the kids run the other way screaming, other cars that were parked near by went off with their alarms.

We looked at each other knowing someone was indeed after us.

Seth " looks like we're walking" he said walking away from the chaos. We followed close behind.

20 mins later

Once we left the diner Bellamy erased us from the every camera point in and around the diner.

We were now back in the penthouse trying to figure out who would have the balls to come after us and in broad daylight.

Levi " alright I made some calls to some low level thugs and turns out Maliki is here in New York" he said looking at Dominic with a serious expression.

Maliki runs the Italian mafia which Dominic was supposed to lead but was betrayed by his family. They are cousins both the same age, their fathers are brothers. I never meet him (or the rest of his family) but I've heard all about him from Dominic and the boys. He craved power and money he didn't care how he got it.

Though I guess that's how you stay the best of the best.

Lilly " are you sure you guys told us he doesn't leave Italy" she said pouring some water into a glass cup.

I looked over to Dominic who was facing the large window with a glass of whiskey in his hands, and the other in his front pocket.

Bellamy " well we haven't seen him in about 5 years things change" he said while typing something into his laptop.

Seth " but what the hell did we do for him to make such a bold move?"  He looked at me with a angry look.

' don't look at me like that I didn't kill anyone connected to him' I told him with an eyebrow raised.

Seth " what Am I supposed to think Adri you kill anyone you gives you a weird look" he said raising his voice. He was giving me a hard time and I wasn't having it.

' aye! listen dick head I didn't kill anyone connected to him' I said in the same tone he was giving me.

Bellamy " alright! Everyone shut up" he said yelling to get all of our attention.

Lilly" we need to clam down us yelling at each other won't help"

Me and Seth were staring at each other when I looked away to look over at Dominic who was already starring at me.

I took a deep breath.

' what if he found out we were here and wanted to get rid of the one person that can over throw him' I said looking directly at Dominic with a clam expression.

Sorry this chapter sucks i am very much sick but I wanted to upload something😔

Good day:)

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