Red Wine

280 7 3

Adrienna P.O.V

  We both gently moved in synced with one another. He slid his hands off the wall and placed one in the back of my neck pushing me closer while his other roughly took off my coat.

The slow kiss started to become demanding and rough, I slid my hands into his hair pulling on it. He slipped his tongue into my mouth, both our tongues fighting for dominance eventually he won, lifting me up my legs wrap his torso. He walked us both over to the bed not breaking the kiss, he lays me on it while he stood at the foot of the bed looking at me the way a predator looks at it's prey before it's going to devoured.

And oh lord did I want that.

He smiled darkly at me as he began to climb over me. He began trail his finger up my dress. His fingers fiddle with my panties. I was practically a wet mess. He was enjoying seeing me like this, begging for his touch. And with all his teasing didn't help.

" hmm who did this too you?" He said rubbing along my slit with his finger through my drenched panties.

I let out a breathy moan ignoring his question.
He pinched my bundle of nerves making me snap my eyes open meeting his stormy eyes staring down at me, that were at least 5 shades darker.

He stopped his movements making me flustered.

" answer me" he demanded

' you you did - please I-' needing something any type of friction. I began to roll my hips against his long fingers, I let out another moan.

" tell me who you belong too" he huskily said in my ear pushing aside my panties inserting two of his  fingers inside me, slowly pumping in and out of me.

' you- ahh' I moaned as he began to increase his pace.

He roughly placed his lips on mine kissing me passionately, he bit my lip gaining access into my mouth. He curved his fingers hitting my g-spot making me shake under his touch.

' i-iam close' I barely told him. I grip onto the sheets beside me.

" scream for me love" he said kissing down my neck which are clearly going leaving marks but I wasn't worried about that now.

His other hand grabbed my thigh pushing it father apart getting more access inside me.

That was my undoing i let out a loud moan gripping his broad shoulders, I came all over his fingers. But he didn't seem satisfied as he kept going and still curved inside me in the right spot, I was going to cum again at any moment and he knew it. he applied pressure on my clit using the pad of his thumb edging me closer to my undoing. My entire body was set ablaze with such euphoria as my walls clenched around his fingers the same moment I came around him.

With that he slid out his fingers and placed them in his mouth and said " delicious as always" he said looking at me with a smirk carved onto his lips. My breaths were ragged my chest raising up and down trying to regain my posture.

He got up and went into the bathroom to what I assume is to get a towel and clean up the mess he made. I just laid there still barley able to form a coherent sentence. He was literally the only person to satisfy my needs and I was the only person that can keep up with his.

He came back and cleaned me up and took off the now dirty panties and slip on a different pair.

When he was done he just stood there looking at me like a creep.

I laughed and said ' what you lookin at' I got up on my elbows looking at him better.

" I am looking at my sexy fiancé" he said leaning down placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
I hummed in return. His phone rings and backs up a bit to answer it. Getting up I fix my dress. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, my makeup held up now that's impressive but my hair was frizzy like no other.
I grab my brush and comb it. When Dom comes In and tells me that One of his connections has some information to tell us but it's too sensitive to tell over the phone so he has to meet him.

' I'll stay back with Lilly while you all go ahead we want to go check out that spa we saw earlier' I tell him draping my arms around his neck giving him a small kiss.

He held my waist and looked at me and said " fine but I swear Adri if any guy-" I cut him off and finished it for him ' I'll kill them and I'll punish you' I told him trying mimic his voice,
He grunted in return.

We left the room and walked back out to the living room. The boys were ready to leave they were already getting up. Lilly stayed seated holding two glasses and a bottle of red wine in her hands. I smiled and turned around to Dom who was looking me with a eyebrow raised.

" don't drink too much" he said kissing my forehead.

" yeah I don't want feel like cleaning up dead bodies tonight" Bellamy said pointing a finger back and forth between me and Lilly.

Lilly laughed and said " well be good this time"

Seth came up to me and said " sorry for lashing out" he said rubbing the back of his neck. He hated apologizing he rarely did but when he did it was for when he messed up bad.

' it's fine Seth we were both stressed' I told him giving him a small smile.

" alright we have to go but seriously you two don't leave a trail of dead bodies we have heat on us right now" Levi said in serious tone.

' yeah yeah leave already' I told them watching Dominic walk towards the door. They all left and now their were two.

I turned to Lilly and said ' who's ready to drink?'  walking over to her. She laughed handing me a glass filled with red wine, we clinked our drinks laughing together.

Hopefully this made up for last chapter;) but fr I had a lot on my plate the last 2 weeks so....sorry for the late update:)

Also Happy Valentines day!!!! Like last year I spent this day alone:(.......but it's okay bc I have food to comfort me:)

but it's okay bc I have food to comfort me:)

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Good day<3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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