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Adrienna P.O.V

Lilly swings to my left side to hit me, i doge her hit. i can tell she is getting frustrated with me so she tries to kick me i lean back placing my hand on the ground to give me support and slide my foot hooking it to the back of her right leg causing her to loose her balance, she falls on her back with a loud thud.

I get up and look at her and place my hands on my hips ' so do you wanna go another round?' i question her with a smirk on my lips. she lets out a huff and says " no just hurry up we need to leave in two hours'' she gets up and walks to the woman's locker room to collect her things. turning away i sit on the single bench that's faces away from the entrance. i began to unwrap the cloth from my hands. As I finish unraveling the cloth I hear at least 3 to 4 guys come in very loud.

one of them says " dude i am telling you there is no way you'll be able too".

another chimes in " come on man, you guys don't have any faith in me".

" fine its your death wish" one says

i hear a pair of foot steps approach me taking a deep breath knowing what he is about to do.

standing up and turning around finished with unwrapping the cloth I see guy with short blonde hair and brown eyes walking towards me he looked alright i guess, though nothing compared to Dominic. my plan was to just walk away and ignore these fools but i knew that wasn't going to work so i stood there with both my arms hanging on the side one of my hands holding the cloth. he finally reaches me and scans my body head to toe as if I am some piece of meat and finally says " whats a pretty little thing like you doing here alone?"

looking at him dead in the eye I say 'how do you know that i am alone?' crossing my arms thinking 'lets have some fun with this fool while I am here' and plus i knew Lilly was going to be here any minute so might as well.

he smiles and reaches out to shake my hand " feisty i like it, my name is-". he was interrupted when his buddies join us. one throws their arm around him and gives him a wide grin followed by " his name is Ace and mine is Jamie and these two are Mike, Andre.

nodding I look at Jamie and say " what do you want Ace?' as i spoke my gaze shifted from him to Ace.

Andre interrupts and says " you fight?" pointing at the cloth, i guess he knew some fighters use cloth around their hands. i look at him and say ' yes why?'. when i said that he looked up at me and said " pft yeah okay and i could fly". at this point i was getting angrier the more they open their mouths.
unfortunately I shouldn't be surprised most people-well generally men think a female isn't capable to fight. but you see since i am pretty small and i look innocent, weak or whatever they think- or rather not think but go into to the primal thought of ' oh woman can't fight their just too fragile to do such aggressive things'.

Which in fact is wrong

'they don't even know what we actually do' my conscious tells me.

Mike " sorry but i don't believe you either, you-you look....too weak to be one". my anger rises so much more but i didn't show it. i was about to say something when Lilly comes in and loudly says " Adri come on don't do something know he's watching". ah she knows me so well i think. rolling my eyes and reply with 'fine! i wasn't even going to do anything we were just talking, weren't we Ace' i say looking dead in Aces eyes. there's a long silence before i continue on with 'wait....never mind they called me weak' i say still looking at him with a slight smile knowing what is about to happen.
just a few short moments after those words left my mouth Levi and Bellamy walk in. i look over at them they are both wearing suits except Bellamy's is a dark navy blue color and Levi a deep blood red color. their eyes connect to Lilly's, she motions her head towards i am standing. their eyes meet mine and go stiff noticing this doesn't look good, well-at least not for me but for the four guys around me.

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