taking jeff away to escape police..

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Well..jeff killed our parents..not really surprising considering jeff is now somewhat..insane..i guess..Though

what does surprise me is that jeff didn't kill or harm me..everything is mostly the same besides our parents being dead and that i just took jeff away before somebody decides to call the police to check up on us and our parents and all. I didn't mind because i actually do love my brother from this world..or..universe? I'm not exactly sure but i doubt that I'm in the same world. I do consider jeff as my brother, i have been or became his brother for like the past year or so.

So i got to actually know him personally, i didn't mind our parents but..i didn't like them a whole lot. They probably wouldn't have listened if we tried to explain what really happened between the bullies and us who by the way, were the victims and not the bullies.

So yeah..i didn't really care that jeff killed them..well somewhat, i do somewhat care for them but they will never replace my first parents. I don't really know those people, i know jeff, he's my brother in this world. Besides that...they were somewhat cruel...they hurt Jeff's feelings! How could they do that!? Mom even tried to wake dad up and get him to kill jeff just last night! I could not stand that, i felt..anger..I haven't felt that in a long time.

It surprised me since I'm usually a calm person, i also usually don't feel my feelings unless it was sadness or when i was laughing at what i just imagined or saw or read...I'm not sure if that's a bad thing..oh well...anyway i left with jeff, i did not want my brother to go to prison.

The killing was also somewhat in self defense since mom tried to get dad to kill jeff. But will they believe that? No, to them we are just teenager's that will probably lie about what happened even though we told the truth.

So yeah no, i will not let us get caught by the police just because they think that what everything they do is right.

Some police men are corrupted and will do anything for their gain in power and all. So that's another reason to not get caught by the police...and sooner or later i might become like jeff but half says I'll still be the same but will kill...the other half is that i will mostly lose myself but will not kill others like us but i will kill normal people...i hope it's the first bit..because i will still like to be myself even if i start killing people..so yeah..i hope i stay intact...I've never killed anyone in either of my lives but that might change in this life but what will end up being the reason to why i kill?

That's the question i have...will it be to protect jeff or will it be something else? That i have no clue...i kinda hope it's because i want to protect jeff...i still feel that way even if he gets stronger and is a killer...i still love my brother despite him now being a killer...i will protect him with my life...even if it means i have to kill someone...even if i want to or not...i will mostly likely become a killer for my brothers sake...oh well...i guess i don't mind..after all it is for my brother who is the only family i know that i have left in this world.

I love my brother more then my parents. Which I'm sorry by the way but it's just who i am. I care more about my brother then anyone else...unless i deem them friends turn into adoptive/sergeant family kind of thing.

Then i mostly likely will really care for them as much as i do for my brother. Wait..when did we get into a forest...and is this slenderman's forest as well!? Eh.. My brother is already a killer...i might end up one as well...though I've read different stories about creepypasta's but those stories were by people who were just making stories, like jfk x reader or something like that.

I frown, if this is slenderman's forest, we will have to be careful..i don't want to die yet and i don't want my brother to get hurt yet alone to die..

So I guess I'll have to stronger to protect jeff..and maybe leave this forest soon before he comes..that is if it is his forest. I'm not exactly sure but then again..I can fell weird energy here so it might be his forest. Or another creepypasta or creatures forest. I held back a frown as I continued to use my senses to feel around for anything or creature or person around.

I wonder..oh well I guess we can stay a while longer as I use my senses to feel around for anything or anyone in this Forrest. I felt something in this Forrest when we ran in but it hasn't come any closer. It keeps moving around, appearing and then disappearing to a different spot. I think it might be slender man or one of his family members or something.

I think the only reason he hasn't moved closer was because of my senses, he might have felt it when I opened it up earlier.

Though I wonder if senses is the correct word to us? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure he won't come closer unless I turn it off and sorry man, I'm not going to be turning it off for a long while. I'm using it to see around, it will alert me when something or someone is getting closer so I can get up and warn my brother. I thought for a little bit longer.

Ah it's getting dark, we should go to be soon, I think in a tree will be significant enough..at least for now. I thought as I let out a silent um. Jeff looks at me with curiosity burning in his eyes. I guess I'm lucky that I grabbed a few things and one of them I can put over Jeff's eyes when he sleeps. "Jeff, it is getting dark soon. We will sleep in a tree for tonight. I don't want us sleeping on the ground until I know what exactly is in this Forrest." I said to my brother who nodded his head a bit. "Ok..how about that tree?" Jeff said as he point to a tree that was bigger and wider then the others.

It had enough space for me and my brother to sleep in for the night. It might even become our base to return to every now and then when we need to. "It will be a good place to sleep in for the night. It might even be a good place for us to come back to every now and then." I said and I saw Jeff's curved up smile become a bit bigger.

Ah that means he actually smiling. That's good. I thought, I had been a while since he actually stopped truly smiling. He might be happy but he wasn't really smiling until now. We both then climbed the tree and huddled close to each other. I wrapped my arms around him and Jeff did the same as we both got comfortable. I put it around Jeff's eyes so he won't continue to stare endlessly as he fell asleep in my arms. I smiled, as I kept my senses open and slowly fell asleep.

I finally finished with 1307 words now! Yes! Finally! I hope you all like and enjoy this chapter and at least comment what you think about this chapter so I'll know. Well until next time..ja ne~!

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