chapter 1

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Previously on an adventure with Cherry and Atticus...

"That's weird... I have a message on my Sugar Rush Speedway app..." Cherry said as she held her phone and gathered with the others after they had found Nemo and brought him back home after a very long ocean adventure.

"What's it say?" Mo asked.

Cherry soon opened up the app and the loading screen then appeared. The logo came up and Vanellope appeared to be running on the screen and knocked on the screen.

"That's never happened before..." Cherry commented.

"Cherry! Atticus! I need you!" Vanellope piped up from within the app as she jumped up and down to get their attention.

"And I can already tell that's never happened before." Atticus said.

"Heeeelp!" Vanellope called out.

"Weird, it's like you guys know Vanellope or something." Mo replied.

"Um... Well..." Atticus and Cherry smiled bashfully about that.

"We kinda do." Atticus told her.

"What?" Mo asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, we went to a video game arcade once and had an adventure with her and Wreck-it-Ralph." Cherry replied.

Mo glanced to them. "You know, if I didn't know you guys for as long as I have, I'd think you were crazy..." she then said. "I can't believe it, but I feel like I don't have much of a choice."

"So, how do we help her?" Patch asked.

"Well, we don't know what she needs help with." Cherry replied.

"Can't you get in the game and see her like you did that one time?" Mo asked.

Cherry and Atticus looked to each other before shrugging. "We don't even know how that happened." they then explained at the same time.

"Maybe if we use magic this time." Patch said.

"I guess that could work..." Cherry shrugged. "This better be good though."

"I'm sure it is." Atticus said.

Atticus and Patch soon used combined magic and they were sent into the world of Cherry's phone.

"Hey, look, an Emoji adventure." Mo pointed out.

"NO!" Cherry cried out about doing that. "NO, GOD, PLEASE NO! NOOO!"

Luckily their magic blocked the emoji adventure world from the world they were actually sent in.

"Phew..." Cherry whispered. "I am never having an Emoji adventure."

"Yeah, that'd be pretty stupid." Patch replied.

"So then, where are we?" Mo asked before seeing their surroundings. "Wait, are we in what I think we're in?"

"I guess we're in the land of Sugar Rush now." Cherry said.

"Hey, it's about time you guys got here." Vanellope said with her hands in her pockets.

"What's the emergency, Vanny?" Cherry asked.

Vanellope mumbled out a response.

"Sorry, could you repeat that?" Atticus asked.

"Be my family." Vanellope said.

"What?" Cherry and Atticus asked.

"Ya guys are like family to me," Vanellope said. "'Specially with how you saved me from Turbo with Ralph back at the arcade. There's a birthday party goin' on, and I don't wanna be the only one there without a family."

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