chapter 9

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"Oh, no..." Strawberry frowned.

"We're too late..." Jubileena said.

"Totally bogus!" Snowanna complained.

"We can't give up just yet." Patch said.

"What can we do though?" Candle Head asked. "Lord Licorice already sent out some licorice ropes for the castle!"

"There has to be something we can do." Mo said.

"Vanellope ate the licorice vines last time." Patch commented.

"Well, I am not eating any of that." Cherry grumbled.

"Would you like Candy Land to become Licorice Land? " Atticus asked her.

"...Well, no..." Cherry admitted. "But you know licorice makes me sick."

"Oh, right..." Atticus said.

"Listen, Geeky, I hate licorice too, but I had to gnaw my way out to get away from Lord Loony, so you can too!" Vanellope replied.

"Ugh..." Cherry groaned as she hated this already.

"How do we stop Lord Licorice?" Patch asked.

"Say, some of us are still chocolatey..." Cherry said. "What if we pretend to be a monster from the Chocolate Swamp and scare Lord Licorice? He looks more like a coward than a cold-hearted villain to me."

"That just might work." Atticus said.

"I hope it does," Cherry replied. "Call me a skeptic, but this villain doesn't look as bad as the other bad guys we've faced over the years."

"Too true." Atticus nodded.

They soon went to try out Cherry's plan as Lord Licorice began to rule over Candy Land.

'Here goes nothing.' Cherry thought to herself.

Lord Licorice looked around before turning around to see a 'chocolate monster'. This scared Lord Licorice and his Bites before they began to run off as the clock was ticking for The Sweet Celebration. Eventually, the chocolate wiped off to reveal Mr. Mint and Jolly.

"HA! Knew it would work." Cherry smirked.

"Uh, Cherry?" Patch called.

Lord Licorice growled once he saw who the monster really was before he smirked. "Nice try, troublesome treats!"

"Oh, you can not be serious!" Cherry glared.

A gumball was soon rolling down which made Princess Lolly and Jib gasp.

"Now, let me hear the sweet sound of that gong!" Lord Licorice smiled evilly to his Licorice Bites.

Atticus soon took out his spell phone and answered it. "Drell, sir, now's not a good time." he then said.

"You don't understand, I've found Vanellope's parents!" Drell replied.

"Then teleport them here now!" Atticus told him. "Maybe they can stop this!"

"Uh, well... I can't exactly teleport them over right now," Drell replied. "You have to come find them."

"Drell, the Sweet Celebration is at stake!" Atticus told him as flew off to try and stop the last gumball.

"But you don't understand, they can't leave the arcade!" Drell replied. "Look, what if I helped you guys since you're in a lot of trouble? I haven't been to Candy Land since Phoebe's last birthday."

"But Candy Land is part of Sugar Rush!" Atticus told him.

"Okay, you're not listening to me, I'm coming over there." Drell said before hanging up.

Cherry and Atticus Visit Candy LandWhere stories live. Discover now