Magic Training (Chapter 12)

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Today is the day that you are going to start training with Akeno to use your sacred gear. The first time you unleashed it you had no control over it. From what you heard your sacred gear can be the most unstable. Just because you can cast about every storm imaginable. So if you dont use it properly, you could hurt innocent souls. Your mind and gear has to be one and make sure you only use it around your battles if they reach on the outskirts it can cause fatalities.

Akeno took you to a field that is supposedly deserted. So you can cast without having innocent people get in the way, but of course doing it in town would cause a panic. People would freak out seeing wings and magic being done. But damn did Akeno look hot in her outfit she wears for battle. Maybe you can get her to wear that the next you guys play around in the bedroom.

"I can read your thoughts you know (F/N)." Akeno giggles

"I wish you would stop that."

"But its so cute. You are like my little horn dog." Akeno licks her lips

"Not what you said about me last night." You smirk.

"Hey I think the readers want us to get to training. We can finish this later." Akeno smiles.

"Storm Switch!" You yelled out.

The same black armor with grey and yellow bolts form around your arm. Luckily nothing happen this time. Last time you summon it you cause the house to shake and it started to rain outside. So maybe you getting some of the gear under your control it seems like? Yet how do you use it properly is the big question?

"Good darling now I want you to think about rain. Let your mind come to it and see if you can make it rain. Its ok if takes you a few tries to do it."

All you have to do is make it rain? Seems easy enough. Hell maybe your training will be a lot easier than you thought. So you thought about rain. You close your eyes and picture it was raining. Then you open them to see if anything has happen yet. All you seen was one little drop fall and hit Akeno's cheek.

"Thats ok baby." Akeno starts to giggle.

"Hey its not funny this is harder than it seems." You groan.

"I bet. Im sorry I just thought it was cute." Akeno smiles.

"Cute huh? I show you cute." You said under your breath.

So you thought about rain again this time you cleared your mind with only one exception. You started to hear and smell the rain with of course yelling with it. You open your eyes and saw Akeno soak already without even the raining touching you.

"Ha, I got you!" You start to laugh and then blush at the same time.

Akeno looks down and notice you could see her breasts in her white outfit. Then she looks back at you then down again. You thought she was going to get upset about it. Yet she just shook her head.

"Really (F/N?) If you wanted to see my breasts so bad you could have ask. Now Im all wet and have to change back into my school clothes. This is why you are my horn dog."

"Will you stop calling me that Akeno?"

"Nope, because its true." Akeno changes back into her school uniform."By the way very good, but you need to keep your emotions under control as well. If we go into battle you must get it under your control or we may take damage as well."

"I apologize Akeno. Whats next then?"

"Try to picture a tornado. And let it move in a direction the way you want.  Its going to be harder than rain, but lets see what you can do."

A tornado next? Ok. So you close your eyes again to picture one. Hopefully once you fully grasp your powers you wont need to close your eyes. You can just summon what you want with a blink of an eye. The wind started to pick up and you hold your ground. You open your eyes and saw a tornado forming you push it back to the west letting it move there. Then you notice a few seconds later a house was in the same direction.

"Akeno look!" You scream.

"Get rid of it now!"

"I cant its not going away even how hard im trying to!"

"It must be your gear (F/N)! Un summon it!" Akeno panics.

So you un summon your sacred gear, but even with it gone the torando remains. The torando  started to pick up speed and starts going faster and faster towards the house. Before you could even blink it hit the house in seconds. You never saw a torando pick up speed that badly. After it hit the house it disappeared. The house was a total wreck now.

"We gotta go check Akeno." Your whole body shaking.

"Right." She looks at you.

You and Akeno fly towards the house you are hoping no one was in it. As you got closer you notice a vehicle was turn over and there was nothing left of the house like you saw. It was totally demolish. You pick up wood and look through the rubble making sure no one was in it. As you lift up pieces at a time your mind calm down until one caught your eye. You pick it up as fast as you can and your eyes were horrified. A family laid dead. A father, mother and child. It look like they tried to make a escape for it.

"Oh my god (F/N) I am so sorry." Akeno starts to cry.

Akeno walks over to you and put a hand on your shoulder. You just stood there quiet as you can be. You just look at their faces you can see they were terrified. And now they are gone.

"Are you ok?" Akeno chokes up.

"I....I killed an innocent family. I took their lives away, because of my gear. Its all my fault their lives are gone. I am no better than my own family it seems like."

"Hunny you arent like your family. You are so much better than them."

"Am I Akeno? If I didnt have this power this family would still be living their lives. That little boy would have grown up to be a great man probably. While I am useless to this world."

"Dont say that (F/N). You arent useless."

"Ahhhhh!" You grab your head screaming.

"(F/N)?" Akeno jumps back a few feet.

Yet you scream continues. A  dark aura forms around your body. Your sacred gear isnt just on your arm anymore its covering your whole damn body. One word sips your mouth which leave Akeno in shock.

"Destruction." Your wings appear and you took off.

It was training day with Akeno and you. She was going to help you get your sacred gear under control. Yet one thing happen a torando you couldnt stop killed a family. Your gear has taken your body over leaving Akeno standing alone.

As always leave a vote, comment and stay tune. Love you all.

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