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"Have you found it yet?" A voice on the phone said.

"Not yet sir, its pretty dark here." The guy cough.

"Well find it we will need it soon!" The other line clicks.

"Why do I get the shitty jobs all the time?" He goans

"Maybe if you didn't fuck up most of the time our boss would take you serious." Girl laughs.

"Shut up Abaddon"

"God, I hate that name call me Nitara instead Dagon."

"Instead of bitching maybe help me search?"

"I rather not get dirty, but you have fun." Nitara smiles.

These two were still searching for whatever their boss wanted. They didnt know what was suppose to be, but they would know as soon as they spot it. It may give off powers from it.

"Hey I think, I see something." Dagon yells.

"What is it?" Nitara flashes the flashlight as Dagon looks closer.

"It looks like a hand. And it flipping me off."

"Haha, but is it real? Do you feel any power from it?" Nitara laughs.

"Nope, but let me call our boss back."  Dagon calls the boss back.

"If you calling saying you cant find it, I will eat the both of you." He snarls.

"Well dont eat us yet boss we found a hand."

"It must be it then!"

"What the hand do?" Dagon ask.

"Not what it does, but what it has inside of it. A sacred gear that used to belong to a twin named Belial. We dont know what happen to his brother (F/N) if he is still alive, but one more sacred gear that will be mine. I be there soon"  The boss hangs up again.

The Fallen Love (Akeno X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now