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"Hey Jinx." James locked the door behind him and shrugged off his backpack.

"Hey gingersnap," she replied.

The redhead rolled his eyes and set down his backpack near the door. "You could call us by our real names."

"Eh. Boring."

"Is Owen still asleep?"

"If he wasn't he would be squirming and drinking, so, yes, he's still asleep." Jinx blew on her steaming cup of coffee. She watched James round the coffee table and put the back of his hand on Owen's forehead. "Are you gonna wake him up?"

James nodded. "Gotta make sure he's still breathing and give him more pain meds. Where's Cal?"

"I think they're all up on the roof." Jinx started walking towards her closed bedroom door. "I got back about 15 minutes ago from work and no one was here so I'm presuming that's where they all are."

James sat down on the coffee table and painstakingly ran his hands through his red hair.

"You good?"

"Yeah," James murmured.

Bullshit if I ever heard it.

Jinx drummed her fingers over the edge of her coffee mug. "If you say so. I'm gonna go read some Grey's Anatomy werewolf fan fiction. You tend to the poisoned Bratwurst on my couch."

"You're gonna do what?"

Jinx simply smiled at him and turned the doorknob. "Have fun waking him up!"

She stepped into the room and shut the door behind her.

She turned, looked up, and dropped her mug in surprise. Harrison barely caught it by it's handle before it could crash to the floor and let James know something was up. However, the coffee spilled everywhere, including all over Jinx's socks.

The 18 year-old looked ready to curse up a storm but Harrison slithered a finger over her lips. "Promise not to scream," he told her sternly.

She nodded and he retracted his finger. "What the fuck?" She whisper-yelled at all of us.

"My thoughts exactly," Cal crossed his arms and looked at Axel and I.

"We put a camera on the inside of your door and now we're gonna watch James wake Owen up because Axel and Adira said so," Lucky said from next to the window.

"I promise you'll see why," Axel assured the group.

"You put a camera where?" Jinx demanded. "Does the right to privacy ring a fucking bell to you morons?"

"The fourth amendment says it's only illegal when we publicize your personal info for our own personal gain," Harrison said.

Jinx pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. "The 9th amendment—"

"Yes yes, 'the rights of the people that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution,'" Harrison said. "But trespassing is justified when you have probable cause."

Jinx looked ready to explode. "And what aforementioned 'probable cause' do you have that justifies setting up goddamn camera in my own home?"

Harrison looked at Axel and I. "Laurie? Deera? Care to explain?"

I shifted my feet awkwardly. "Jinx, you know how James has that limp?"

Jinx crawled into the middle of her bed to start to peel off her coffee-soaked socks. "Yeah."

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