Part 9

88 3 1

Genre: Angst and Smut

Word Count: 10,209

A/N: Umm... I pretty much don't have anything to say except, Happy Readings!^^

Theme Songs for this Chapter:"Flume- Never Be Like You", "Ariana Grande- Touch It", "Rap Monster and Jungkook- Fools Cover"


You slowly opened your eyes, disappointed to find that you were in bed at your parent's house. You had hoped to awake and find this situation to be nothing but a nightmare, but it's wasn't. You were still feeling the effects from the night before. Hyolyn was asleep next to you as you carefully got out of bed, trying not to disturb her. You walked into your bathroom, looking at your tired appearance in the mirror. You studied over every detail in your face. You had tried not to but you were stressed out. Sighing, you tended to your hygiene before coming out of the bathroom and walking down the hall when a foul smell hit your nose. Something was burning and it was coming from the kitchen. You figured your mother and father was up, already starting their day.

When you entered the room, something struck you as odd. Your parents where nowhere to be seen and there was a figure standing by the oven wearing all black. You squinted, trying to make out who it was when he suddenly turned around. It was Yoongi. Your heart skipped a beat at this sudden realization. Everything in you wanted to embrace him but the look on his face stopped you in your tracks.

"Good to see that you are awake."

"Yoongi?... b-but I thought you were in jail..."

"Did you honestly think those idiots could keep me locked up like some kind of caged animal?" He stated cockily.

"No but... it's just that... I was worried about you."

"Don't be." He walked closer. "As you can see, I am fully capable of taking care of myself." You slightly frowned at his words. Of course he was still angry at you. You two didn't exactly leave on good terms. "Now that we won't have any distractions this time, why don't we pick back up where we left off?" Yoongi stated, pulling out a gun.

"But Yoongi..."

"This time, I'm going to do something different." He lifts his hand in the air in a 'come here" motion and in came your parents with one of Yoongi's guy's behind them. Their hands were tied behind their backs and they had a cloth tied around their head, covering their mouths. They looked so terrified.

"Oh God no!" You screamed covering your mouth.

"You're gonna tell me exactly what you saw that day and who you told this to. For every time you don't answer or you want to be defiant, I will shoot your parents in different body parts until they are dead. But I'm also willing to throw in another offer." Yoongi smirked. "This can all come to an end if you take this gun, put it to your head, and pull the trigger."

Tears poured from your eyes. Both of his offers resulted in the death of your parents and yourself. If you did go with the first one, Yoongi would have assumed you were still lying and shot your parents. Although you were at odds, you didn't want anything to happen to either one of your parents. But even if he did kill your parents, there was no way he was letting you leave that house alive after witnessing that. And if you took the gun and killed yourself, you knew Yoongi wasn't going to spare your parents either.

"Yoongi... I..."

"Too slow."

Yoongi lifted the gun, firing twice. He shot your dad in the center of his head, followed by your mom. You screamed at what he had done but you didn't have time to react because he turned the gun on you and fired the shot that killed you.

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