Chapter 4

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You and Tatara 17

Over the next couple of years homra had gained a couple new family members, one a little girl named Anna you and her bonded. you shared your room with her once she moved in. she always said how much she loved red you had to agree it was an amazing color so bright welcoming and safe. she also took a great liking to Mikoto, saying he had the brightest red and would fallow him around wherever he went. 

'it was actually kind of cute.' 

you thought. you were walking around town with Mikoto and Anna smiling. 

"what's with that grin on your face?" 

Mikoto asked in a rough but still kind tone. 

"I just think it's sweet how close you and Anna are. it's so cute." 

He looks down at Anna who was currently holding his hand. 

"your red is the most beautiful red." 

he sighed. 

"come on let's go back I'm sure dinner is ready by now and Tatara will wine if it gets cold before we eat it." 

you nod, you all made your way back.

Once you three stepped foot inside the door you were met with a bunch of people and noise. 

"what's happening?" 

"probably a party for some new members we got." 


'we got some more. I wonder what their like?' 

you see two middle school boys. one with glasses, the other shorter with hazel eyes. 

"have they already been initiated?" 

Mikoto nodded. 


you walk up to the two of them. 

"hello. I'm Y/n L/n, welcome to homra. what's your names?" 

the one with glasses looks over at you. 

"Saruhiko Fushimi." 

he states with a nod. you turn to the other guy, he was staring at the floor mumbling something. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that." 

he speaks a bit louder this time. 

"I'm M-Misaki Yata. just call me yata." 

you nod giving him a reassuring smile. 

"well Yata, Fushimi, welcome to homra." 

Yata blushed Fushimi nodded. 

"so what do you do around here?" 

"well I'm not much of a fighter like everyone else, but I do treat injuries from battles. I guess you could say I'm like the doctor of the group." 

they both nod Yata still red, you walk up to him. 

"are you ok? you're face is really red." 

"y-yeah. I'm f-fine." 

you look at him concerned. 

"he's fine. don't worry about it. he just has a hard time talking to girls, especially the pretty ones." 

you blush. 


he yelled indignantly. 

"what? it true." 

you blush at the conversation. 


you look down at the floor embarrassed by Fushimis words, he smirked leaning down placing his hand on your cheek lifting your head up slowly looking in your eyes. 

"you're so flustered over a few simple words cute~" 

he was about to lean in closer when, you felt someone tug you away and pulling you closer to their body. you looked up to see who it was. 


you just stare at him confused and a little surprised. he looked surprised himself and let go of you right away. 

"sorry, don't know what came over me?" 

he scratched the back of his head awkwardly smiling. 

"umm ok... well I'm gonna head upstairs I've got some stuff to sort through. I'll see you guys later. ok." 

the rest of the guys responded with either an 'ok or seeya'. 

Everyone went back to what they were doing. Fushimi just grinning walking over to Yata who was playing a game on a hand held device. Tatara sat down at the bar laying his head down on the counter thinking. 

'man what's up with me? I know I've liked Y/n for a long time but....' 

he just sighed. 

"you know that was pretty bold." 

a voice from behind the counter said. he looked up there was Izumo polishing one the many glasses he had. 

"yeah, well I didn't like the way he was looking at her." 

Tatara said huffing. 

"then why don't you just tell her? put yourself out of your misery." 

"I want to but.... I want it to be the right time I don't know." 

"is there really a right time for these things? if you don't tell her someone might steal her away." 

another deeper voice said, both men looked over to their king. Tatara just sighed standing up and headed upstairs. he was walking to his room when he saw your door, he knocked. 


no answer. 

"Y/n I'm coming in." 

he slowly opened the door walked in and closed it behind him. he looked over to your bed to see you sleeping peacefully. you're breathing calm and even, he walked over to you and knelt next to your bed he moved some hair out of your face and put it behind your ear. you really had changed since he first met you. not just in mind but body too you had more curves and your chest had grown bigger too. he blushed and shook his head to get rid of the thoughts, he pressed his lips to your four head in gentle kiss to be sure not to wake you when he heard you mutter something he stiffened worried he woke you up. but you just turned over, he sighed in relief turning away to leave when he heard you say his name. 


he looked back to see you were still asleep, he smiled leaving your room closing the door behind him as quietly as possible. he went to his own room laying down falling asleep himself.

Down stairs Mikoto was sitting at the bar. 

"do you think he confessed to her?" 

"who knows, but I think the new guy was just teasing her to see reactions." 

"well he got one from Tatara. I never thought he would do something that bold." 

"yeah it's surprising." 

Mikoto said. 

"I guess it's only a matter of time now." 

Izumo states.

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