Chapter 10

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Tatara was sitting at the bar thinking, Mikoto was laying on the couch, Izumo was cleaning one of his wine glasses. you were out with Anna for a girls day. the rest of the guys weren't there for some reason or another. 

"so what's got you so lost in thought ?"Tatara looks up at Izumo. 

"hmmm... oh, I was just thinking I haven't taken Y/n on a proper date yet because so much is going on with everyone and it's been a week since we got together. so, I wanna make it extra special. but whenever I try to think of something it doesn't really seem good enough or it's just stuff that we usually do. it's just.... I wanna make it really special for her. you know." 

he rests his head on his arms. 

"your thinking about it too much." 

The red head said from his lazy position on the couch. 

"Mikoto is right. honestly knowing her it won't matter as long as she's with you." 

"you think so?" 

both men look at him. 

"we know so." 

Tatara smiles. 

"if that's the case I think I have an idea. but I got to get it ready." 

he raced upstairs to his room. 

"geez.... one minute he's panicking and now he's planning." 

"well when it comes to her you know he wants it to be perfect." 


the door just opened and you and Anna came in. 

"hey we're back, and we each got a new member of homra you want to show them yours Anna?" 

the girl nodded, opening the bag pulling out a plushie that had a smiling face and purple sunglasses on. 

"its Izumo." was all she said. 

Mikoto smirked. 

"isn't it nice Izumo, huh?" 

Izumo stared at the plushie with amusement. he put down his cloth that he was wiping the bar with and walked over to Anna smiling, patting her head. 

"it's cute." 

she smiled up at him nodding her head in excitement. 

"so which member did you get Y/n?" 

"oh. I got Rikio." 

you pulled another plushie out of the bag that somewhat resembled the man they smiled. 


you look around the bar. 

"hey where's Tatara?" 

Kusanagi and the king looked at you. 

"he's in his room. but I wouldn't bother him right now he's doing something very important." 


you shrug then turn to Anna. 

"hey, what do you think about putting them upstairs and giving them a home." 

you hold up the plushie, you were holding looking at Anna. she nodded taking your hand. you both head up the stairs to your shared room going in. Anna put the plushie of Izumo next to the one of Mikoto, smiling proudly at the display. you put the plushie of Rikio in the homra home you both made. 

"there perfect. don't you think?" 

you look over at Anna she nods in agreement. 

"we should probably head downstairs to get something to eat huh?" 

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