PART 45 - Welcome Party

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It's Saturday and the group was getting ready, Ji Anne on the other hand, wasn't moving at all. "hey Ji Anne, when are you going to change?" the new discharged Woojin asked, so far, the janitor that they had captured a few days ago in the hospital turns out to be a psycho. The cause is just that the man enjoys someone dying in his own eyes, very creepy.

The police had taken care of the other things and the hospital thanked them for capturing the killer. Turns out, they have no idea that a janitor was there all along, it seems that he was invincible to them and that the group was the ones who only saw them.

Not just the hospital, but the victim also thanked them for their helped, he said that he will be telling the doctors about the pattern that the culprit has been following.

"hey, Ji Anne, what should we wear?" Eunha asked, twirling the ends of her hair. The other one shrugged and closed her eyes, " I don't know, I'm too lazy to think- I know! How about we wear something like a dress? but I prefer polo shirts"

"Jia, are you drunk?" Eunha rolled her eyes.

"No? Why'd you ask?" She chuckled.

"ugh? I shouldn't ask you in the first place"

"Now you know" Ji Anne smiled cheekily.

Eunha laughed and shook her head, heading towards the kitchen to cook some noodles. " you're cooking?" Ji Anne asked, looking at her friend in a very weird way. "Well, yeah. I'm hungry" she shrugs. Ji Anne sighed, "don't tell me you're doing that so you can't eat later?" she deadpanned.

"Ji Anne the wise it is"


"nothing, come on, help me find some noodles here" she gestured her hand for her to come. But Ji Anne being the girl she is, didn't budge an inch or a half. She's just there, minding her own business. "Yah! Ji Anne!" Eunha exclaimed, getting the attention of the girl. She waited for a few seconds before finally walking out. "You're so lazy" she rolled her eyes.

"Blame the author"

"Nuh'uh, I ain't blaming her, I'm too good to do that"

"So you're saying I'm a bad influence?" Ji Anne scoffed.

"I didn't say anything!" Eunha laughed.

"You two are FREAKIN' NOISY!!" Daehwi came out of nowhere. The lad has his suit on that fits him really well. The other boys soon joined him, showing up one by one. Jisung, Sungwoon, Seongwoo, Jaehwan, Daniel, Jihoon, Woojin, Jinyoung, Daehwi and Guanlin are wearing black. Jihoon went up to Ji Anne and tapped her shoulder. "go change or we'll be late" he said and pushed his girlfriend into her room. "wait! I don't have anything to wear!" she struggles and tried to escape.

"Liar, I saw a dress laying in your bed just now"

"But! that's not mine! hahaha" Ji Anne laughed shyly, darting her eyes everywhere, a sign of her lying.


"Okay I'm going!" she raised her hands in the air, stomping her feet along the way.

"So that's how I'll tame her, " Daehwi said, putting his hands on his chin. The others laughed and shook their heads, laughing on how the siblings treat each other. Once she had completely walked out, Eunha shrugged her shoulders and went after her.

After both of the girls have completely dressed up, everyone gathered and went outside. "Ji Anne" Sungwoon called. Ji Anne looked back and crouched a brow, "yes?". "I was wondering, whose party are we going to attend? you haven't told us anything" he bluntly said. "oh, I haven't? well, do you know the famous Kim Taehyung from the group called BTS?"

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