PART 50 - Double Date

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"I'm back!" Jihoon exclaims while pushing the door aggressively. The first thing he saw was Ji Anne watching the television. She turns around with a piece of bread in her mouth. "good morning, Jihoon" she greeted, patting the space beside her.

"so, what happened?" she curiously asks, as the male sat beside her.

"Nothing much, just a family bonding" he shrugged. "oh, and my parents would like to meet you," he said.


"don't worry, they're really nice!" he reassuringly smiled. Ji Anne smiled back and nodded. They chatted along until Eunha came to tell them something.

"A double date?" Jihoon asked, Eunha nodding in excitement.

"what's a double date?" Ji Anne confusingly looked at her. Eunha's eyes widened, "you don't know?" she asked in disbelief. Ji Anne shook her head while Jihoon covered his mouth, refraining from laughing.

"well... a double date is when two couples go on a date," she said.

Ji Anne blinked, it took her a long time to process what she said. "oh" was all she said, nodding. Eunha frowned, she was not satisfied by her reaction but nonetheless shrugged it away.

"Anyway, who's your pair?" Jihoon asked.

Eunha backed away and smiled cheekily, "Woojin!" she giggled.

Both of their eyes widened, "Woojin?!" they exclaimed. "yeah... I kind of convinced him" she shyly said. "okay" Ji Anne eyed her suspiciously, but smiling after. "I didn't know he would agree" Jihoon laughed.

From the very last door of the house, Jaehwan came out holding his phone. "good morning" he says as he saw the three talking in the living room. "good morning, hyung" Jihoon greeted. "is there breakfast yet?" he asks.

"Nope, Jisung oppa isn't awake yet," Ji Anne said, switching the TV channel.

"oh..." Jaehwan yawns, stretching his arms. The others came out a few minutes later and they all gathered in the living room, talking about random kinds of stuff. "I guess I'll cook food for them," Eunha told herself as she went inside the kitchen.

She quickly got the pan and mixed the flour and eggs, obviously making some pancakes. Eunha heated the pan and finally made something for about a few seconds. "what are you cooking?" a voice said from behind.

She turned around and saw Woojin holding a glass of orange juice. She crouches a brow, "umm... pancakes?" she laughed nervously. The male shrugged and nodded, walking near her. "uhh, what are you... doing...?" she spoke as Woojin grabbed a piece of pancake.

Eunha just watched him as he slowly devoured the food. "it's delicious" he said with a mouthful. "yeah right" she smiled.

"enough with the two of you, I'm freaking hungry" Guanlin rolled his eyes as he came inside, the others were trailing behind. "I ship it" Ji Anne laughed.


"Okay, so where are we going today?" Ji Anne asked, slipping in her boots. Jihoon came behind, adjusting his polo. Woojin looked at Eunha who was doing something on her phone, he peeked behind her and saw that she was setting a map.

"Enchanted Kingdom?" He furrowed his brows.

"Yup! it's an amusement park" she grinned.

The others nodded, "now for our transportation, we'll be taking the bus" she added. "wait, I need to get my money" Woojin excused himself and walked towards his room. The three already went outside and waited for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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