Thought 14: To Fan-fic or NOT to Fan-fic?

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Ok, so this will be a short chapter. I will basically be putting up a tally but.... As you can tell from the title, I am thinking of writing fan-fictions. I really want your opinion on whether or not I should write one or not. So, I have been having this idea for a while but I wasn't sure to go through with it.... so yeah. I have two very vivid ideas of two different fan-fins I want to write. I will give you a description of them and please give me your ideas.

Btw, even if you don't agree with it, I want to write the second one anyway so.... yeah. I guess I'm writing that one whether you like it or not... but yeah. I really want your opinion on if I SHOULD write other fan-fics.

Dark side - A fan-fiction of Harry Potter
So, I was thinking that this fan-fix would be based on Harry, Hermione and Ron. In this fan-fic, I'm gonna take you back to the start of Harry's journey at Hogwarts. Here is the description:

After travelling to Hogwarts, Harry is struck in awe at the beauty of the school. But, at the sorting hat ceremony, Harry Potter was placed into the house of Slytherin, Hermione is placed in Ravenclaw and Ron in Hufflepuff. Will the three meet? What will happen? Will any of them end up in Gryffindor? Well, read to find out.

This was a very brief and horrible description so just letting you know, the actual description in the actual book (if I write it) will be better.

So yeah, that's what it will be about. Anyway, on to the next...

Once upon a Fairy Tail - A fan-fiction of Fairy Tail
Yeah... I'm a nerd about this anime. Don't ask... anyway, this will not be like all those other 'Lucy Revenge' stories where she is bullied because Lisanna comes back, she leaves, finds out she is a dragon princess or something and comes back, defeats Natsu in a battle then joins Sabertooth. No, no, this is be, although similar, entirely different. Here is the description:

Fairy Tail, the strongest guild in Fiore has been disbanded after the last battle. Everyone goes their seperate ways. Lucy, Levy, Juvia, Erza and Wendy travel together before finally reaching a small town. There, they meet a girl called Eva Pearson. After hanging out for a while, they form a band and a guild. This is a story of courage, loss, hatred, resolutions and truth. What surprises will there be? What secrets will be revealed? What will happen? Most importantly, will Fairy Tail get back together?
There might also be other aspects from other animations in this book so, yeah. Don't ask. Once again, I am writing this book whether you like it or not.

Like the idea? Well, I don't really care whether you do or don't! ;p It's my story so I'll do what I want... anyway, enough of that... next!

Give me an idea!
So, if you do like the idea of me writing fan-fictions and you have and animation, book, movie or whatever, and you want me to write a fan-fiction on it, request it. I will either, watch it (if it's a movie or animated series that I can find on YouTube, or other apps), or if I already know the book/series/movie/whatever, I will simplify write a fan-fiction on it. However, I don't get to decide what it's about. YOU do. So yeah.... imma stop talking to no one and just shut up now.

That's it for this chapter. I hope you will leave your thoughts, comments or ideas in the comment box. Also, watch out for 'Once Upon A Fairy Tail' as I will start writing it very soon. Btw, the reason I haven't updated recently is because I've been on holiday, so, yeah.... Also, I know I'm crazy writing like, 7 books at once but just so you know, I can actually keep up with it! Surprising, I know... anyway, yeah. Leave me advice plz! T-T! Plz.... I'm so lonely....
-The Author

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