Thought 13: Graduation

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Hello! So, this is a chapter that I really wanted to write because I had graduation yesterday and it was SO MUCH FUN. I mainly wrote this chapter for one of my friends who moved away but I decided to let you all enjoy it. So, how about I start from the start? Yeah. That's a good place to start it.... I think...

So, I walked into the stadium, (where we were having it), to find that I was the only girl wearing jeans. I wasn't too fazed by this because no one really cares what you're wearing anyway. Someone did turn up in a tuxedo tho..... I don't know why.

We started the ceremony by listening to a song that our principal chose. It was about moving on in the future since, obviously, were moving up to year 7. It was an ok song, not my favourite but at least it sent a good message. After that, our school captains gave a gigantic speech, including an entire 10 minutes of reviewing what we've done from prep until now. It was actually pretty good, considering that they had to write the whole thing themselves.

After that happened.... I don't actually remember much. What I do remember was not long after that. I got a certificate for graduating and another award for my academic excellence in the subject 'inquiry'. (Basically the study of everything.... I don't know.)
I was surprised to get the award because I thought that someone else, let's just call her France, was going to get it. After all, she was much better at inquiry. Although, she got a different award later on in the night. It was the 'can't english' award.

Anyway, as we were going up, some photos of us were playing in the background. The photos were of us as preps, and us now. God, have I changed. I looked so alive in my prep photo but I just look dead in my year 6 photo, like I've just crawled out of a coffin after 100 years.... oh well.

At the end of the actual ceremony, we had to do the most CRINGY dance known to man kind. It was to a remix of the song 'final song' and it was so damn embarrassing! And, to make matters worse, my parent filmed the entire thing! Ughhhhhhhhhh!

Anyway, after the ceremony, we got our graduation bears. After a few people signed mine, I headed up to a restaurant.... pub..... thing.... anyway, it's called trackside, where we were going to have put after party. We sat down and had food first. All the food was SO good but I honestly didn't need two plates....... I needed one..... uh, forget it.

We started to take a few pictures after that. Me and my friend group had like, two taken. First, it was just me and two of my friends and then the rest joined. It was really funny though because we had to find a way to all fit in the frame. Yeah... that didn't go well. Then we played pass-the-parcel. I helped wrap it so it wasn't that exciting for me. The prize was just a rubber ball and some chocolates anyway.

After that, we basically had time to do whatever we want. My friend 'Olivia', (Check previous chapters if you wanna know who she is, was wearing a flower crown and we decided to put it on my friend... 'Pringle's' head. (We call him Pringle at school. Don't ask....). You know what the funny part was? It actually looked good on him! I mean, I'm pretty sure we found his style. Olivia said that she is gonna buy him one for Christmas. I would love to see how that turns out!

At the end of the night, we took one final picture and then we all started to head home. It was so much fun overall and I couldn't ask for a better graduation.

All seems well and good, right? Wrong! We still have 3 more days of school! T^T
I can't believe this is happening! Oh well. I guess that's what we get for holding our graduation on a Monday. Anyway, overall, it was a fun night.

Oh! A quick story from today. Olivia was walking out of school with the flower crown on when France comes up to here and says, "no offence, but it looks better on Pringle". Crazy, right! We definitely need to buy him one. I need to tell Olivia to get on to that... Oh well, two days down, only three to go!

Please leave a comment if our can relate to this at ALL. I would love to hear some stories if any of you have had your graduation. (She says to her mirror because she has no friends and no one to talk to... yeah... sad life...). Anyway, enjoy the rest of your week, or, whatever time it is where you are. I might do my next chapter on my friends but, tell me what you think. Anyway, bye!
~The Author

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