1. Magic Training

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A/N: Hey! Book 2! This is the second book after "Alpha Mitch?" I'm not done with this book but I had a bad day yesterday and I need some joy in my life at the moment. Nothing terrible, just irritating. So I'm going to publish the first chapter of this second book in the series (I have a 3rd book sketched out). But WARNING, the rest of the second book won't be coming out until January or February 2019. Please vote and comment! Merry Christmas 2018!


Mitch was given free reign to study the Book of Magic and practice its many lessons. But it was thought it wise to keep it hidden. So Mitch was given lessons by Scott in combat which was partially true. However, after learning offensive and defensive moves, Mitch was then allowed to try to use magic he was learning in combat.

Initially, Mitch felt bad sending a stinging hex, but that was before Scott was able to determine when and where Mitch was sending it, dodging it and tackled him hard. After being tackled by a very fit, 6'3" Alpha, he felt a bit better about using his own gifts in the fight.

Scott was actually fine with it as well. He was happy to have a partner who challenged him. There were a few in the pack who could give him a run for the money, but they were biologically and psychologically engrained to not challenge him.

After being levitated, stung, tripped, hit with a tree branch on the head, he was a sweating, frustrated mess. At the moment, Mitch was practicing making clones of himself to confuse his opponent and tire them out.

After tackling three Mitch clones only to fall flat on his face because he grasped air rather than anything solid, Scott stood, breathing heavy to catch his breath. He took a little walk in a circle facing each of the 9 clones and 1 real Mitch that were standing in a circle around him.

He calmly walked toward one Mitch clone, when he suddenly pushed off his right leg and tackled the Mitch to his left.

"Umpf! OW! GOD THAT HURTS!" Mitch groaned loudly. "Get off me!"

Scott was lying on top of him laughing.

"You stink too!" Mitch complained.

"God this is satisfying," Scott said delightedly shaking the sweat off his hair onto Mitch's face and chest.


Scott got up laughing still and put out his hand to help Mitch up.

Mitch took it, stood and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped off Scott's sweat from his face looking miffed, "How did you know it was me?" he grumbled.

"Your breath in this cold air. The clones weren't breathing."

Mitch's brows went up. "Dang, that's good. Hey, it's getting dark. I want to get home before dark."

Scott looked at Mitch concerned, "Is Beau alright?"

"Yeah! Yeah. Kevin says he's doing great. But he is starting to show and Kevin says the hormones really start to kick in now. He's been needing more cuddles and attention, you know."

"No, I don't," Scott said sadly.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry Scott," Mitch said quietly. He knew Scott and Mark had been trying to have pups for a while without success.

"No, it's okay. I don't need your pity," Scott said scornfully.

"Scott, come on. I'm sorry."

"I said I don't need your pity," Scott repeatedly angrily, "because Mark is pregnant." Scott's face split in a giant smile.

"What?! Oh my God!" Mitch shouted and gave him a big, tight hug, even though sweaty.

"I am so happy for you guys!"

"Thanks. We don't want to say anything until the next full moon festival. We might even wait until the one following, but I want you, Beau and of course Kevin to know." Scott smiled.

"Our kids are going to be friends!" Mitch said with glee.

"Yeah! The next generation!" Scott laughed. "Go home. Be with Beau. I want to go home to Mark."

"Excellent! Just shower first," Mitch teased.

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