3. Babies

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Mitch hopped off the motorcycle almost before it stopped and ran into the infirmary, Avi just a few steps behind him.

As they approached the end of the hallway, they met up with Kirstie, Mark and Beta Nurse Sophie. They looked worried.

"What's wrong?" Mitch asked immediately.

"Sir, there's been some complications. Both Dr. Olusola and Dr. Sallee are in surgery with Beau."

Mitch let out a breath and tried to control his emotions, "What complications?"

"I'm sorry but I don't know all the details. One of the doctors should..." Sophie was explaining when she was interrupted with the cry of a baby.

Mitch tried to push through to the doors of the surgery, but Nurse Sophie blocked him with her body, "You need a mask Sir. You could contaminate the room and hurt them," she begged.

"Then get me a fucking mask!" Mitch said louder starting to lose control. The lights started to flicker slightly. Kirstie and Mark pulled him toward the decontamination room where he put on a mask and gown and stood in a spot encased in clear plastic and was showered with some sort of disinfectant gas.

As he walked out into the surgery room, he heard two babies cry. His eyes turned huge.

Drs. Olusola and Sallee looked at each other. Then Matt put down his scalpel, took off his blood stained gloves and threw them in a garbage pail and took Mitch by the arm back to the connecting plastic area between the surgery room and the decontamination shower.

"What?!" was the best Mitch could do.

"You have twins Mitch. A boy and a girl," Matt said clearly but with reserve.

"What's wrong?" Mitch said flatly.

"Beau. He's in trouble. We are not sure why. His pressure is low and dropping. His lungs are inflamed. There's some kind of infection we don't recognize. Well, I don't recognize. Kevin said he thinks it may be the virus that kil... that infected the Omegas in the Hill pack."

Mitch pushed Matt to the side and quickly walked to Beau. "Send Matt away," he said softly to Kevin while he looked longingly at Beau's beautiful, sleeping face.

Kevin nodded to Matt and Matt left the room wheeling the babies who were in bundled together on a cart.

Mitch tore his gaze from Beau's face to his open abdomen. Just as Matt had described his lung were inflamed and red. His heart was beating slowly. It didn't take him long to conclude that he didn't know how to make Beau better.

Kevin somehow understood. "I'm sorry Mitch."

"Why do you think it's the Hill virus?" Mitch asked.

"I have been communicating with their Beta. She reached out to us and other Betas. I have Scott's permission but it's a secret since they are technically our enemy. I'm not to talk about it because it wasn't an easy decision for Scott to make considering they almost killed Mark."

"Any leads? Any ideas? Experimental treatments?" Mitch asked desperately trying to hold himself together.

Kevin sighed heavily. "We are close to an antidote, but this virus works quickly. There isn't even enough time to get it here if we try to make it."

Mitch looked up quickly at Kevin. "Yes, yes there is. I can't cure Beau but I can put his body in stasis. I don't know for how long. I'll do that. You go with Scott and get that antidote."

Kevin spared a momentary staring contest with Mitch to make sure he understood and then turned at a run out of the surgery room, disposing his mask and gloves as he did so.

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