2. Stump

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Learning combat with Scott was only one of Mitch's covers. The other was learning potions under the cover of learning medicine with Kevin. This one was a bit harder since most Alphas are not interested in the more intellectual pursuits as opposed to physical pursuits.

It helped that Beau was learning to be a nurse, a step above a nurse's assistant. He had never even thought about it until talking with Mitch and finally getting the encouragement he needed. Studying to be a nurse was usually a Beta profession. The pack was, however, more use to Beau being a bit different. He was an Omega by blood and his eye color changes to blue, but he was really tall, usually an Alpha attribute, and stupid prejudices run deep. So Mitch wanting to learn medicine just looked like he wanted to stick close to Beau. Mitch was a bit off for an Alpha anyway so they just accepted it.

And Mitch did learn a lot from Kevin. Again learning how things work, in this case, the body, helped him understand spells, potions and other magic to use for or against the body. Once he attained a certain level, he began trying his hand at potions. However, potions tend to be very tricky and often volatile.

After the 5th explosion, 1 at home, 1 in the cafeteria kitchen and 3 in Kevin's lab, one in which Matt was turned into a cute otter for a good panicked 20 minutes, Scott and Kevin decided it would be best if Mitch had his own lab, detached and preferably a good distance away from any other building.

Mitch consulted his Book of Magic and did a couple spells during the midnight hour and determined the best location for his workshop. It wasn't too far from home but a safe distance. The only problem was that a giant stump was smack in the middle of where the lab was to be built.

Scott, Avi and 3 more Alphas had taken turns trying to chop and dig around it. They had managed to wrap a chain around it, and brought in a tractor to try pulling it out. But it wasn't budging.

"Okay. Okay. 10 minute break everyone," Scott said. He walked over to Mitch and put his arm around his shoulder and walked him out of hearing distance of others. "You think you can give us a hand here? Or find another place for your lab?"

Mitch knew this was the best place, it was worth one more try. "Let's try it one more time, I will try to use magic to loosen the roots."

"Alright, you're the boss," Scott decided. "Everyone up! Let's try this one more time!"

With a bit of grumbling, they dug a bit more around the stump, wrapped new, thicker chains around the stump and had the tractor try again.

While their attention was on the stump, Mitch pulled from the Earth below his feet, energy. It was pulled up slowly, up through his heels, filling his feet, working its way up his ankles, knees, hips, torso. Slowly, methodically. It could not be rushed. He was eventually filled with magic, from his feet to his hair to the tips of his fingers. He kept his wrists down by his legs but flexed his fingers and palms toward the stump. He directed his magic to the stump and down again into the ground, wrapping against one root, then another and another, until he had a dozen magical tentacles wrapped tightly against the bigger roots. Then he pulled, and pulled, slowly, but then with more power and more. He was concentrating, sweating, his arm muscles straining, his fingers stretching and then

CRACK!  The cable snapped and headed straight at Mitch.

Scott could see the cable in slow motion heading toward Mitch. Mitch was ramrod straight, exerting every ounce of magic flowing through him at the roots. He couldn't consciously move out of the way. Scott was too far away.

But before the chain could reach him, something punched Mitch's gut hard and he dropped to his knees, the chain passed right over his head, skimming his hair. Mitch fell to the ground, his arms crossing around his stomach and let out a loud grunt.

"Mitch! Mitch!" screamed Scott. All running toward him.

Avi got to him first, "Mitch! Are you all right? Let me see!" he said kneeling next to Mitch and pulling his arms away.

Mitch rolled onto his back and let Avi move his arms. He looked straight up into the leaves of the trees above him. Then he saw Scott's worried face over him. "Mitch?"

"Beau," Mitch breathed. "Beau! He's in labor!"

"Beau? The chain didn't hit you?" asked Scott.

"No! It's Beau!" Mitch said, scrambling to his feet.

Avi was way ahead of him and sprinted to his motorcycle he had propped against a tree. He got on and drove it a little bit toward Mitch and handed him his helmet.

Avi, Scott and the others were all Alphas. They immediately understood that Mitch was feeling the start of Beau's contractions and his fear and emotions.

Avi took off heading toward the infirmary as the other Alpha's shouted their best wishes and wishes for a safe birth.

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