Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Kate's POV:

"Here's some workout clothes," Selina said and handed me a tank top and shorts. I quickly changed in the bathroom and came back out into the basement. There was a punching bag hanging in the middle of the ceiling, and Selina was strapping on a helmet, gloves, and a guard. When she saw me, she threw some in my direction and I caught them, quickly attaching them and stepping towards her.

"Let's go."

I threw a punch and she deflected it, twisting my arm back, causing me to almost cry out in pain. I kept it in, though, and wrapped my other arm around the back of her neck, flipping her overhead. The second she hit the floor, she grabbed my leg and rolled out of it, and I hit the floor hard. She pounced on me, but I kicked her in the stomach and jumped back to my feet, breathing hard. She staggared back and I jumped up, grabbing onto the hanging punching bag and using it to swing myself around and kich her again. She flew into the wall and I dropped down, walking over to her.

"Not bad," she grinned, and I smirked.

"Not bad? You wish you could do stuff like that."

"Can't I?" She replied and did a back handspring, knocking my ankles and making me fall.

"You're gonna have to teach me that one," I said and she helped me to my feet.

Blake's POV:

"So who's the Shadow? Where did he come from? You need to know his back story, to learn his weaknesses, see if he has any flaws that you can use against him," Bruce said.

"The most that I know is that he's a villan, and he stays in the dark. He's steathly and cunning, and kills without a second thought."

"And that's it? You don't know his origin, where he comes from?"


"What are his motives?"

"I don't know. Is this stuff really that important? Did you need to know it for every bad guy that you defeated?"

"Not every guy, but it helps. If you don't have the information, then I guess it's fine, as long as you defeat him. What's your alias, anyways?"

"Robin. It's my first name."

"Very nice. Now, you need to have some sort of plan..."

We worked for a long time, and didn't even notice when Kate and Selina came in to the room, sweaty and out of breath. They took huge gulps of water, and I looked up when Kate collapsed on the sofa next to me.

"Tough workout?"

"Tough and fun!" she replied, fanning herself with a magazine. "I learned so much."

"You have bruises," I said, lightly running my finger over one on her cheeck. She closed her eyes and leaned her head into my hand.

"All I want to do, is go to sleep for the next day," she mumbled.

"Until we do this all again tomorrow," Selina reminded her. She looked tired herself, but not as exhausted as Kate did.

"Ugh, no."

"I'll teach you how to do a flip," Selina said.

"Fine, fine. But only because that was awesome."

"We should probably go, anyways," I told her. "It's getting late."

Kate and I stood up and Bruce did as well. "Same time tomorrow?"

"Make it a couple hours later, I want to scout out the Shadow first, find out where he is, maybe what he wants," I replied and he nodded.

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