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Before you start, I just want to say that if I do continue writing this story, the updates won't be every day. I do have school which takes up a lot of my time so it may be hard to write a chapter and update it. So please be patient with me.

Also, I realize I am not the best writer, I know people won't like my writing. Please don't be rude though, if you don't like what I write, just don't read it.

This story is about Calum Hood from 5 seconds of summer. I hope you guys enjoy it(-:

This is the prologue so it is short! If I get enough comments or votes to continue, then I will write and post chapter one(-:


It's not every night that you get woken up at 3 A.M in the morning due to a consistent banging on your door. Definitely when you live in a neighborhood known for its tranquility.

I let out an unladylike groan as I rolled over to look at the alarm clock on my bedside table. What reason would someone possibly be knocking at my door at 3:07 AM? I mumbled a few curse words to myself, slinging my blanket off of my self and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

I stood up and walked out of my room, heading to the front door. I didn't grab a bat or a knife because I didn't feel as if I needed one. My parents and I found this apartment in a neighborhood that was said to be one of the safest in Sydney, Australia.

I reached my front door, standing on my tip-toes to look out of the peep hole, seeing the sandy blonde hair of my best friend. I groaned again, rolling my eyes. Of course Ashton would be the one to wake me up at 3 A.M for a reason unknown to me.

It wasn't until I unlocked the door and opened it, that I noticed he had his arm around the waist of a dark hair male, trying his best to hold him up. My eyes widened and a gasp escaped my mouth once I saw bruises and cuts on the man Ashton was holding up.

"Ashton! What the hell?!" I questioned as I hurried over to help him bring the unknown boy into my apartment. I pulled his arm over my shoulder, wrapping my arm around his waist, similar to what Ashton was doing. We slowly made our way into the apartment.

"He needs help, Chloe. Please fix him up." Ashton pleaded, both of us heading in the direction of the bathroom.

I was a nursing intern at the local hospital, so it didn't surprise me that he wanted me to help his friend. I've always wanted to be a nurse, which is why when my university professor told me about the nursing internship, I jumped on the opportunity.

I slowly nodded my head, I figured I should help the stranger since Ashton already brought him here.

We struggled getting him into the bathroom, but we finally got him situated on the counter.

"What's his name?" I asked, curious as to who it was. However, instead of Ashton answering my question, it was the man himself.

"Calum. Calum Hood." The male groaned, leaning back so his head rested on the mirror above the sink.

"Thank you so much for doing this Chlo. I'm gonna go wait in the living room. Ashton said, kissing my cheek and hurrying out of the bathroom before I could protest.

I rolled my eyes, something I seemed to catch myself doing, more than usual, when I'm around Ashton.

"Okay, Calum," I started, reaching in the cabinet to get the first aid kit, "The least painful way to do this, is for you to talk while I fix you up. It will distract you from what I'm doing." I told him, shutting the cabinet door and turning to face him.

"What do I talk about?" He asked, letting out a moan of pain as he tried to sit up a little more.

I stared at him, looking at the bruises that covered the majority of his face, before speaking.

"How about you start the story by telling me how you got all these bruises?"

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