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"Okay, class dismissed." The psychology professor announced, nodding his head, confirming that he finally finished the lecture for today. The chatter increased and the sound of notebooks and binders closing shut filled the room.

I let out a deep breath, shoving my notebook into my bag, before slinging it over my shoulder and standing up. I smiled shyly at the people I had to push by to get out of the row I was in. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to check the time as I exited the crowded lecture hall. 1:42 PM . I let out a stressed sigh, that gives me 18 minutes to get to the hospital.

Ever since I was a kid, I always had an interest in becoming a nurse. It appealed to me because of the ability to help people. If there's one thing that stands out about me, it is how I have the need to help people when they are hurt or sick. It's been like this since my mom got cancer when I was 6. Luckily, she can now say she is a proud survivor of breast cancer.

I mapped out the quickest way to get to the hospital in my head. I've only lived in Sydney for one year now, so I definitely didn't know all the shortcuts. I ran a hand through my hair as I decided to take the bus.

It wasn't my top choice of transportation. My best friend, Ashton, always told me not to take it because of all the creeps that ride it. However, I didn't really have a choice since it was the quickest way to the hospital.

I walked as fast as I could to the bus stop, weaving through the people on the sidewalk, making it there in two minutes flat. New Record!

After standing there and waiting for 4 minutes, the bus finally pulled up, a sigh of relief escaping my mouth. The doors opened, people scurrying off the bus before other people got on. I quickly got on and found an empty seat, setting my bag in the one adjacent to make sure no body would take it. Luckily, the bus wasn't too crowded today, so I didn't have to worry about it.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket, indicating I received a text from someone. I reached around and pulled it out, bringing the screen closer to my face to see who texted me.

From: Ashton(-:

Hey love! How was class? You get to the hospital okay?

I smiled at his questions. It was nice that I found him when I first moved to Sydney, the situation of how we met making me giggle a little.

<i>"Welcome class! New year means new impressions and new starts! I'm not one to cut slack, as this is college. So when stuff is due, I expect it to be on my desk that day. Also I -" The professor was cut off as the door slammed open, a male with dirty blonde hair with a bandana wrapped around his head, entered the class room.

"Ah, Mr. Irwin. I should've known you would be late," he paused, shooting the boy a glare. "This, class, is an example of making a bad impression. Now, please find a seat so I can continue." The professor waved his hand towards the seats stretching in rows from the back of the classroom.

The boy rolled his eyes before walking past the professor and up the stairs. I looked around the room, noticing that there was only a few empty seats, one being next to me.

I watched as the boys eyes scanned the room, before his eyes landed on the empty seat beside me. He smiled, heading in the direction of my desk.

However before he could reach the empty seat, he tripped, and although he caught himself before he completely fell, I still let out a quiet giggle. My eyes widened as he looked at me, he must have heard me laugh at him.

He quickly hurried to the seat, pulling it out and sitting down.

"My name is Ashton." The boy suddenly said, turning to me and sticking out his hand.

I hesitantly grabbed his hand, shaking it before letting it go and returning my hand back to its original place in my lap.

"I'm Chloe." I introduced, smiling shyly at him.

"Well, Chloe, I know I just embarrassed myself by tripping, so how about you forget that happened?" He said, smiling at me.

I didn't reply, I just nodded my head in acknowledgment. The professor started talking again, but I couldn't really pay attention because as soon as one word left his mouth, Ashton spoke up again.

"So, where are you from?" He asked, taking out a pair of drum sticks from his bag and lightly tapping them on the desk.


His eyes widened. "Woah. Why did you move to all the way to Australia?"

"To get away I guess. After I graduated high school, I figured it was time for a change, so I talked to my parents, they helped me find an apartment and here I am." I replied. I didn't exactly tell him the whole truth of the reason I moved, as that story is only for people close to me. However, I did move here for a change and to get away, so I wasn't lying.

"Fair enough. Well you're gonna love it here in Sydney. I will even help you and show you around." He told me, shooting me a friendly smile. "Here put your number in here and I will text you later and set up a time to show you around." He continued, sliding his phone over to me.

I quickly put in my phone number, not questioning it. I really felt like I could trust Ashton. He seemed really nice, and I needed a friend here, so why not?

"Awesome. This is the start to a great friendship Chloe." Ashton said after I slid him back his phone.

I smiled in reply. I hope he is right.</i>

I'm definitely happy that I met him, it is not the easiest thing to be on another continent and have no friends.

I typed a quick reply, leaving out the fact that I was on the metro.

To: Ashton(-:

Class was okay! Boring and exhausting as usual! I'm headed to the hospital now. xx

I realized the train was beginning to slow down so I slid my phone back into my pocket before standing up and grabbing my bag.

I followed the line of people getting off the metro, passing them and hurrying in the direction of the hospital. I walked through the doors of the building with two minutes to spare, smiling to myself in accomplishment.

"Good afternoon Macy!" I told the girl at the reception desk. She may be twice my age, but she's definitely one of the nicest workers here.

"Hi sweetie! How are you today?" She exclaimed, beaming at me.

"I'm good! I just got out of a psychology lesson. It was pretty boring, but there's not much I can do about that." I sighed, shooting a tired smile back.

"University is definitely tiring. Those were the days." She let out a giggle before shooing me off with her hand, urging me to go check in.

The quiet chatter in the hospital filled my ears as I walked down the hallway towards Mrs. Landys, the woman who is the head of the internship here.

"Oh! Chloe! I'm glad you're here! I need you to go to the E.R. now. Some ambulances just arrived with people who were in a car accident." Mrs. Landys said, sighing in relief when she saw me.

I nodded my head before turning around and heading in the direction of the emergency room.

Today was going to be a long day.


Sorry for the short chapter! Just trying to set the foundation for the story!

The italics are obviously from the past so you can see how Ashton and Chloe met!

Hope this wasn't to bad! Let me know what you think(-:

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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