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Nobuyoshi POV


I ran across the streets, my clothes soaked due to the rain.
I stopped by an old shrine and decided to rest there until the rain stops.
Hahh... Why did i leave my umbrella?
I thought to myself as i entered the shrine.
Suddenly, my phone rang.
I reached for my phone and answered the call.
"Hey Sanada! How's Kyoto? Heard the rain is pretty heavy over there."
"It's worse that i forgot my umbrella! How's things on your end, Sakabe?"
"Nothing big. My mom didn't come home again today so i've got to buy dinner again."
"Poor you. Hey, you've been hearing any news about Taniguchi-san? When will she come back from Osaka?"
"Nah man. I know as much as you do. Sorry pal."
"No problem buddy. Just keep me updated! Uh oh, battery's dying! Talk to you later bro!"
And with that, i hung up on my friend.
I wondered further into the shrine.
In there i saw broken statues of a god i have never seen before.
Based on the multiple broken statues, i could conclude the god takes the shape of a man with a long beard and messy hair, his right arm appears to be slightly larger than his left, his back and shoulders have spikes, and he's got a tail.
Who is the shrine worshipping? I've never seen a god like that in my whole life!
I came upon a statue of the god alone inside a room.
It was different. It's slightly brighter and it doesn't appear to suffer the same ravages of time as the others
Near the statue, there was a faint glow.
I reached out to it.
Suddenly, everything went pitch black.
I felt like falling.
I reached my arms out only to grasp air, my eyes saw nothing but black, even my screams were consumed by the darkness.

"-nada!" "-nada-kun!"
I opened my eyes with a groan.
"Wh-where am i? Sakabe? Taniguchi-san?"
I looked around to see many people in the room.
Most looked like priests or mages, but those near to me appears to be from my world as well.
"Heroes! Welcome to our world!"
Heroes? I'm dreaming right?
The person greeting us wore something that looked like what the Pope would use.
"I am Terion, Pope of The Church of Grizhar."
The pope looked around before resuming
"It may be a shock to all of you. You might be a nobody back in your own world, but here in the world of Arzuk, you are heroes! Heroes summoned by the power granted to us by our God, Grizhar."
We all looked around in confusion.
"Each of you will be given a [Status Plate]. You 15 heroes are our only hope in winning the war not only against other countries that believe in heretical gods, but also beastmen and demons."
Wait what? Heroes? War? What?
Before i could reorganize my thoughts, a priest pushed a metal plate to me.
The pope spoke again.
"Drop a trickle of your blood onto it. The plate will then reveal your identifications."
Everyone did as ordered
"Your plates will display your name, stats, level, skills, job, and secondary job. Difference between job and secondary job is a job is what Lord Grizhar thinks you're worthy of, and a secondary job is what you do mainly as a hobby back in your old world. It is completely possible for some of you to not have secondary job The rest should be pretty clear for you."


Age: 17
Level: 1
Job: Foot soldier (sword)
Secondary job: Synergist

Strength: 15
Vitality: 13
Defense: 14
Agility: 12
Magic: 13
Magic Defense: 11

Skills: Language comprehension - Basic swordsmanship - Transmute - Ore appraisal - Defense buff

I looked at my plate worriedly.
I knew 10 was usually the standard starting number in RPGs, but i hoped against hope that i was wrong, or at least not alone.
"Oi Sakabe, Taniguchi-san , gimme yours!" I suddenly took Sakabe's and Taniguchi's plates.


Age: 17
Level: 1
Job: Master Swordsman
Secondary job: Merchant

Strength: 215
Vitality: 210
Defense: 270
Agility: 298
Magic: 190
Magic Defense: 170

Skills: Language comprehension - Swordsmanship - Enhanced agility - Fast stamina regeneration - Enhanced reflex - Sword strengthtening - Expert haggling - Persuasion


Age: 17
Level: 1
Job: Priestess
Secondary job: Chef

Strength: 120
Vitality: 232
Defense: 180
Agility: 178
Magic: 370
Magic Defense: 288

Skills: Language comprehension - Holy magic affinity - Healing - Fast mana regeneration - Mana transfer - Advanced sorcery - Inspire - Dark magic resistance - Quick chant - Precision cooking

My face went pale.
I'm still weak huh?
Suddenly, a man walked up to the Pope with joy.
He announced to everyone his job was Hero.
The pope took his plate and announced its content


Age: 19
Level: 1
Job: Hero
Secondary job: None

Strength: 380
Vitality: 390
Defense: 360
Agility: 350
Magic: 360
Magic Defense: 400

Skills: Language comprehension - Elemental affinity - Elemental resistance - Physical
resistance - Advanced sorcery - Weapon proficiency - Superhuman
strength - Armor proficiency - Foresight - Fast mana
Recovery - Detect presence - Detect magic - Power burst

It felt like my jaw fell flat. I realized that i was completely inferior. What hurt me more was my job as a simple foot soldier, a cannon fodder of every war. The fact that my Synergist job wasn't anything special didn't help either.
"Heroes, please return your plates to me before leaving. After this, you will be allowed to roam the city. At 7 pm you must return the courtyard to receive the keys to your houses while you serve our Lord."
One by one, we returned the plates and left the room

Feeling down about his stats, I was taken to a cafe by Yuki while Nagato went equipment shopping.
"Sanada-kun.... Please cheer up. I know it's disappointing, but i know things will be better!" She tried to to cheer me up as she pushed a cup of tea to me.
"Taniguchi-san.. It's just... Things never work out the way i want it."
"Sanada-kun, i know you were always quiet and seemed down all the time, b-but this is worse than the you back in Japan. The Sanada-kun i remembered could even withstand being punched by the sports teacher square in the stomach and being laughed at everyday! Just this much shouldn't be anything to him!"
"Yeah, that's true. It's just... I thought being in another world means i could finally be someone important." He laid his head on the table.
Yuki moved her chair next to mine.
"Sanada-kun, no wait, Nobuyoshi-kun, please bear with me." She suddenly hugged him.
"Ta-taniguchi-san?" My face turned red.
"Yuki. From now on, it's Yuki"
"Ta-Yuki-san, w-what's the meaning of this?"
"If my words can't cheer you up, then i surely hope this could at least make you feel better, Nobuyoshi-kun~" she answered with a smile on her face.
It's nice to know a girl is this worried about me.
"Nobuyoshi-kun, promise me you won't be depressed like this again."
"Well, i can't promise that. What i can promise is i'll try to get stronger, so that you won't have to worry about me." He smiled awkwardly at her.
She nodded happily, "that's good enough for me."
We spent a few hours talking and eating. Suddenly, it was already 6.45.
We met up with Nagato and walked to the castle courtyard.
We reached the courtyard and received their keys.
Residential district 5, cluster 2 huh?
"Taniguchi-san, where's your house?"
"Residential district 5, cluster 2, house number 3. How about yours Sakabe-kun?"
"District 3, cluster 2. What about you, Sanada?"
"Huh? Oh, same with Yuki-san, but number 4."
"Lucky you! Oh well, gotta run! I'm too damn tired today! See ya!" And with that, Nagato left
Both me and Yuki walked together to our houses
"Yuki-san, have a goodnight."
"You too Nobuyoshi~" and she closed her door.
I too entered my house and locked the door behind me.
Guess i'll just sleep and take a bath tomorrow.
I quickly went to the bedroom and jumped to my bed.
I tossed and turned myself for a few minutes before sleeping.
I knew tomorrow will mark the beginning of my path as a "hero" and a tiring training.

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