Chapter 14: Dan and Blair

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The door to Dan's new apartment creaked as he and Blair stepped inside.

"Wow, this place looks older than your dad." Blair said innocently.

"Hey!" Dan said, half laughing, "I'll let you know that my father has only been here since the second century."

Blair tilted her head back in laughter and Dan couldn't help but love the way her face glowed in the open light of the apartment.

They made their way over to an old leather couch that was backed against a wall.

He didn't want to admit it, but Dan had subliminally set up his new place to look almost exactly how his Dad's house had looked. It was like being able to live on your own without the heart ache or home sickness.

Blair sat down and heard the cracked leather crinkle beneath her Versace dress. She grimaced and hoped Dan wouldn't notice.

Dan was standing in front of the fridge in the kitchen that was adjacent to the living room.

"Diet or regular?" He called over his shoulder to Blair.

"Diet or regular what?" she replied.

"Come ON!" Dan said turning around with a smile. "Hasn't a rich city girl like you ever tasted a coke?"

Blair scoffed. "Of course I know what a soda is."

She straightened her back and looked Dan directly in the eye, saying, "I'll take diet."

Dan met her eyes and grinned. "Diet it is."

Blair got up off the couch and smoothed her dress.

"Do you have bathrooms in this gorilla cage?"

"They're not nearly as nice as the ones they give the Lions, but they're down the hall."

Blair walked towards the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Dan peeked his head out from the kitchen, making sure Blair had gone inside. Quickly, he set the drinks on the coffee table and dashed inside his bedroom. He flung open the too drawer of his dresser and pulled out a pack of condoms. He hastily tore one from the roll and shoved it in his pocket before racing back into the kitchen.

He heard the toilet flush and the familiar rush of water coming from the sink. Blair opened the bathroom door and walked over to Dan.

Her baby pink lipstick had been reapplied and Dan couldn't help but stare longingly.

She sat beside him with their thighs touching as Dan handed her the glass with Diet Coke.

"To Carolly Erikson." Dan said, raising his glass.

"To Carolly." Blair repeated.

They laughed and each took a sip from their glass.

Blair set her cup down and leaned back.

Dan did the same.

"I believe I was promised pizza."

Dan turned his head towards her. Sitting like this, with their legs side by side, their faces weren't more than a few inches apart.

"I have another promise as well." Dan said, resting his hand on Blair's kneecap.

Blair held her breath and placed her hand over Dan's.

She couldn't believe what she was doing. Here she was, seconds away from kissing Dan Humphrey -- city scum. And yet, it didn't feel that way. For once in her life she felt like everything finally made sense.

His hand slid up her thigh and rested on her hip.

He leaned in towards her whispered, "Tell me when to stop."

She felt his lips intertwine with her own. Her body tingled with anticipation as she cupped the back of Dan's neck in her hand.

His body molded into hers as he pushed her down on the couch. He kissed her again and tasted the sweetness and passion of her kiss.

His hands made their way up to her back and he unzipped her dress, gently pulling it off her and tossing it to the floor.

"Careful," Blair moaned between kisses, "That's Versace."

Dan ignored her and picked her up; hauling them both into the bedroom.

He threw her on the bed, and himself on top of her.

She fingered with his pant button before pulling his pants off.

Dan stopped her. He felt around in the pockets of his pants and pulled out the condom he had pulled out from his drawers.

He hastily tore open the wrapper and dropped his boxers to the floor.

Blair took the condom from him and gently helped him slip it on.

She laid back down on the bed; fingering with her bra strap before adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor.

"Are you ready now?" She said.

Dan felt the condom tighten around him.

"Never been more ready than now."

He kissed her hard and grasped her hips, sliding off the only thing keeping them away ecstasy.

Looks like pizza's gonna have to wait, Blair thought slyly to herself.


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