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First, this book is going to have my character to have the backstory of what's going on in my life now. This book will be the start of 2019 and hopefully the sun explodes before then. Now, let's just say my character in this book is exactly like me. Well, I'll try to make sure I don't vent bs here. Now, have this character list.

Btw, I'm traumatized in real life, so this is the future version of me. In roommates, there usually isn't an age for anyone. This time, I'm not giving an age or anything, but I'ma say it's physically ten years later. So, not going to change the fact that it's 2019 when it starts, but memory wise, ten years later.

Characters here now (and I spaced them out a bit for each to show who is sharing a room or who has their own room)

Kat [has own room with big bed]

Jeroen [has own room with lit pc]

Flare [has own room with manga, hentai, posters, uh memes?]

Barka [has his own room, he is twitch streamer]

Kyber [idk, tacos? he has his own room btw-] (Noah moves in at some point and shares the room with Kyber and they fight while me and Flare laugh. 👌

Candy [shares with sam]
Sammy [shares with can XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD]
(They fight later and Sam moves into my room while Candy moves into Patrice's room.)

Dean (Former "Deanna") [shares with HIS gf Patrice. and no Dean, I'm not making you a REAL BOY WITH A DICK, MKAY? XD]
Patrice [shares with her bOyFrIeNd dEaN-]
(They break up later and Dean moves in with Nesha)

Rondom aka M [shares with Ali, MY SHIP]
Ali aka Cherry [shares with Ron, MY SHIP]
(They aren't hecking together, BUT MAH SHIP ;-;)

They aren't in a specific order on how important they are, like how I used to do, I just typed it and now it's here, so the end. I will mention other names in this book, but these are the people that live together. I'll type some names here just in case they are mentioned in the book.

Kyland (my boyfriend, he doesn't live with us, but he's around a lot.) [he lives sOmEwHeRe. it's not mentioned so who cares XD]

Autumn [lives with Nesha somewhere]

Nesha [lives with Autumn somewhere]

Reese aka Kah [lives with Nesha and Autumn]

Luz [lives with Alex somewhere]
Alex [lives with Luz somewhere]

This next one's a bad idea
Esthefanny/Aliza, Malachi and Emma/Rose
[Each have their own rooms]
I'll have side stories of these three XD

Kiki = throw stuff at her

Mika moves in a bit later and shares a room with Kat

(can't think of any more atm)

So now the ships *insert lenny face*

Kat x Kyland
Jeroen x Video Games
Flare x Hentai
Barka x Comedy
Kyber x Candy
Sammy x Porn
Dean x Patrice
Rondom x Cherry
Autumn x Nesha
Reese/Kah x (idk her boyfriend's name o-o)
Meri x Luz


And once I get internet back, I will start working on this book.

Anyway, Merry Christmas.

I don't do holidays, so.

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