What's Ayame Hiding From Us?

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A few weeks passed since Ayame met the Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers, she got along with them really well and now her mother is coming over for a visit. As Reiji, Yui and Ayato waited for the rest of their brothers to show up, Ayame appeared out of nowhere and she smiled at Ayato.

"Morning Ore-sama!"

"Gah!! what the heck has gotten into you goth girl?! and why are you smiling brightly like that?!"

"Hehe, gomen, I just excited and happy that Okaa-san is coming over for a visit it's been way too long since I've seen her."

Ayato sweat dropped and then Ayame looked at Reiji and she said to him.

"Reiji, thanks for letting Okaa-san come over here for the visit, I really appreciate it."

"Not a problem besides, it's not every day we get to have visitors as long as they're not some girl that Laito picked up."

Yui laughed nervously while Ayato sweat dropped a little.

"He's got a good point there."

"Oh don't worry about Laito just ignore him, he's an idiot."

Ayato placed his hand on Ayame's forehead and she said to him.

"Hey! what are you doing?!"

"Just checking to make sure that you were feeling all right, you're not usually this happy or smiling brightly like this."

"Gomen, I know it's out of character but, I just can't contain myself."

Ayame said with a smile making Ayato blush a little. Yui noticed this and she asked him.

"Ayato, are you OK? your cheeks are pink."

"I'm fine!"

Ayato said as he looked away from the girls with a small hint of blush on his cheeks. Ayame giggled at his reaction before the rest of the brothers showed up.



I tided up my room and I made my bed so that way everything was ready for mum coming over. I smiled at this and then I fixed my beanie on my head to make sure it wasn't messed up. Just then, Shu appeared and he sat on my bed and he said to me.

"It's not like you to check your appearance like this."

"Well, you'll never know Okaa-san might be bringing back a proper fella and I wanna look my best when they get here."

"Did anyone ever tell you that you're a bit of a mommy's girl."

"I get that a lot from Sakura."

I said with a smirk and then we headed downstairs and surprisingly the Mukami brothers were here. Kou smiled at me and he said to me.

"Hey, Keneko-chan!"

"I don't mean to be rude, but, what are you four doing here? 

"Ayato-kun told us about your Mother coming over for a visit so we wanted to meet her as well."

"All right, but don't even think about teasing me in front of my Mother!"

I shouted as I showed off my dark aura which scared the Sakamaki and the Mukami brothers. Yui giggled nervously and she then said to me.

"I always knew you were defensive Ayame but, I've never seen you like this before."

"Gomen, it's been too long since I've seen Okaa-san when she moved to Greece, so can you blame me for being a little excited?"

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