One Crazy Night

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After Sakura stayed the night, she left the next day and thankfully she didn't suspect anything but, later on, that night...

"What?! you wanna do the Ouija board challenge here?!" I asked her in a shocked tone and then Sakura nodded her head.

Sakura decided to come back once it got dark and she suggested doing another challenge for youtube and she suggested that we do the Ouija board challenge again but this time, she wanted to do it here in the Sakamaki mansion.

"Of course, come on Ayame! this place is perfect for any 3 am videos or challenges besides, the last time we did this was so cool," Sakura spoke with a twinkle in her eye.

I shook my head for a no and I told her.

"No!!! bad idea! not gonna happen!!"

"Why not? what's the problem?"

"Firstly, this ain't my house I'm only a guest here and secondly, Reiji only allowed you to come here only once and once was enough, trust me, you don't wanna get on his bad side."

"I'm not scared of four eyes besides, you were the one who told me, Lizzy, Seth and Dameion that we needed to keep our eyes open for any haunted places which can cause any paranormal activity."

I sweat dropped when she told me this. I looked away from her and mumbled.

"She has made a good point..."

I looked back at Sakura and I said to her.

"All right fine but let me talk to Reiji first and see if it's okay for you and the others to come around later."

"Come around later for what?" That strict voice spoke up out of nowhere.

I jumped in fright and I fell off the sofa. 

"Don't sneak up on me like that Reiji!! you nearly gave me a goddamn heart attack!!"

Sakura laughed at me and then Reiji asked me.

"May I ask what she's doing back here, I thought I'd told you that she was only allowed to stay here once."

"I tried to tell Sakura that but, she wouldn't listen and now she wants to do an Ouija board challenge here at the mansion, so I was wondering-"

"No," Reiji spoke bluntly.

"Oh come on! why the hell not?!" I yelled angrily after standing up from the ground.

"Because you're not allowed to have any more of your friends over and may I remind you that you're still on thin ice after that hair dye incident."

"That wasn't my fault! it was Ayato! he put my hair dye in the shower to make it look like I caused that prank and besides, Subaru wasn't the target it was Laito."

Sakura looked at Yui and then she explained to Sakura.

"Laito kept harassing Ayame and he continued to steal her underwear so to pay him back, she and Ayato decided to prank him by using hair dye in the shower, except, Subaru fell for the trap instead and now Ayame is in deep trouble with Reiji now.

"That explains it," Sakura mumbled.

I glared at Reiji and I said to him.

"I said I was sorry and I got that hair dye removing shampoo for Subaru, no harm done."

"That still doesn't excuse your deplorable behaviour Ayame and as I said, you will not invite any more of your friends here, make one more wrong move and you're grounded for a month."

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