Chapter 13: Regaling Tales

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    Thor exited the cargo hold quietly, eyes roving around the room one last time before he allowed the door to slide shut behind him. Korg had guided them off of Midgard over an hour ago, and the quiet humming of support systems was finally starting to not make him feel edgy. Space travel had never been something he particularly enjoyed, as he could be an impatient man, but without the bifrost, this was the best he could hope for.

    Not to mention the risk of being intercepted by Thanos loomed in the back of his mind. The narrow escape they had made only days earlier still plagued his thoughts. That was too close of a call, and the fact they all could've been slaughtered haunted him. And he was sure he wasn't the only one thinking about it.

    Shaking his head, the god began his trek back up towards the pilot's deck but slowed as he noticed shuffling coming from within the galley. Lady Layla and Brunnhilde were supposed to stock the kitchens and medical bay, but he had thought that they would have been done already. Peering around the doorway, he noticed Layla leaning against the counter with a mug between her hands. Steam was rising from the cup and wafting across her face, her eyes were closed and a content smile stretched across her face.

    "Lady Layla?" Thor rumbled lowly, gaining the blonde's attention. Layla glanced up in surprise and straightened up, cup still clasped between her fingers. "Are you and Lady Brunnhilde not finished?"

    "Oh! No, we are. I just wanted something to drink and I pilfered some of Bruce's tea," she explained, beaming at the blond. "Brunnhilde was telling me about how the ship can use hydrogen and oxygen collected in space to make water if our reserves get low."

    "The ship has the technology, however I'm not very sure of the particulars," Thor replied with a grin, coming to lean on the counter as well, facing Layla. "This conversation led you to wanting tea?"

    "Well, no. I wanted tea to start with, but it's nice knowing we won't run out of water," Layla laughed, shrugging. "I also happened to notice a particularly large case of ale." She smirked at the god as she took a sip of her tea, making Thor laugh.

    "Ale is very needed, milady. What would we drink should we have cause to celebrate?" Thor watched the woman wrinkle her nose and couldn't stop the feeling of contentment and amusement it resulted in.

    Puffing out her cheeks, Layla rolled her eyes and shrugged. "You can have my ale. It's not my... well, not my cup of tea."

    "I'll be sure to drink your portion of the ale then," Brunnhilde replied, and Thor noted the awkward tone in her voice before she took her mug and left the room.

    Thor snorted and shook his head, lips twitching into a smile just as Layla spoke again. "I was going to hang out in the lounge, but your brother is having a pity party, err... don't tell him I said that, and yeah. I think I'll just go hang out in my room instead."

    "Loki has many, uh," Thor started, scratching the back of his head. "Well, he has moments where he is particularly troubled. I've found that it's best to usually leave him be, lest one be on the dangerous end of his daggers. He generally isn't one to discuss his feelings."

    Layla blinked at him for a few, long seconds before shaking her head. "He and Anja are going to get on so well and that thought terrifies me."

    Thor shrugged and started back towards the door, listening as Layla followed him. "Best not tempt the fates, Lady Layla. You, however, are welcome to join me in my room if you would rather be with company. I can regale you with tales of the nine realms."

    "Are you good at that, then? Regaling tales?" Layla was smirking at him and Thor was surprised by the wave of happiness, as well as sorrow, that swept through his body. This easy camaraderie reminded him of his friends that had perished on Asgard. Ones he hadn't had time to properly mourn.

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