Chapter 8: Shiny Things

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On the other side of the shopping center, things were going just about as well for the four men. Tony, Loki, Thor, and Bruce were just kind of meandering throughout the area, not really sure where to go for gifts. The only ones seemingly comfortable in this environment were Tony and Thor. The four of them were having a hard time going anywhere without someone stopping them to take a picture with Iron Man and the God of Thunder.

Bruce handed a teenager their phone back after taking what seemed to be the millionth picture. "You know, I'm an Avenger too!" he called after them as they ran away.

Thor laughed. "I don't think they recognize you in that form."

"They're used to the big guy," Tony added. "Not the tiny scientist."

"Well, it's stupid," Bruce countered. He huffed and stowed his hands in his pockets as the four of them resumed walking towards the next store.

"On the plus side, at least Reindeer Games over here looks like a normal human being and not someone getting ready to take over the mall," Tony snarked, smirking at the tall man walking next to Thor.

While the rest of the guys had dressed casually, Loki had decided it was appropriate to wear an all black suit. It was a vast improvement over his usual armored attire in terms of blending in, but it was still too much for a simple mall outing. "I'm not afraid of stabbing you in this shopping center, Stark," Loki seethed, second guessing his decision to fight for the 'greater good.'

"You two are going to make me Hulk out in this place," Bruce groaned, looking vaguely green. "As if I'm not stressed out enough being around all these people."

"You're just mad no one is recognizing you," Tony replied, earning him a glare from Bruce.

"Even I am getting aggravated by your constant bickering," Thor grumbled, smiling at some wide eyed teenagers passing by. "Please stop. At least for one day act like you don't annoy each other."

"You ask much of me, brother," Loki sighed, but relented. "Fine. I suppose for one day, I can try."

"Yeah, sure thing, Point Break," Tony shrugged, coming to a stop near a jewelry store. "Think the girls would want some diamonds?"

"Aw, come on, Tony. That's a little impersonal," Bruce whined, shaking his head. "What are they gonna do with jewelry?"

"Uh, wear it, Jolly Green. That's what jewelry is for," Tony snarked, turning to look at his friend. "I'll have you know Layla and Anja both to this day wear jewelry I bought them. So yes, jewelry it is." Without another word, he started to head inside.

The remaining three men sat on a bench outside the shop with what bags they had, lightly discussing what they had bought for their friends. It had been a long day of guesswork for them, and they were going to be glad when it was all said and done. Bruce and Loki both rolled their eyes more than once as more people stopped to take selfies with Thor, who was more than happy to oblige.

"It's a wonder people still recognize you with that haircut," Bruce stated.

"Or a missing eye," Loki added, rolling his eyes.

Thor smirked. "You both are just jealous."

"Whatever," Loki spat. "The sooner Stark finishes this shopping of his, the better. I have socialized enough for today."

Unfortunately for Loki, Tony took about a half hour in the jeweller's, and eventually came out with a big bag and a large smile. "I found something for everyone!" he announced.

"Anthony, I assure you; I have no need for jewels," Thor protested, eyeing the man warily. "I think you forget I am a prince, err... king."

"Nonsense, Thor. Everyone likes shiny things," Tony replied, smirking.

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