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(Free Verse)

I have a crush on you

I don't know if you love me
The way I love you
You might have a crush on me
But it could only be pure admiration
And not love

I love your sweet rosy face
I love your short sleek hair

What's not to like about you?
You're beatiful, smart, kind and all

Sometimes I find myself starring at you
I don't mean to be rude
But I'm always watching you

I can even remember your perfect smile when your gettin' shy
When you're singing
(I kinda envy that talent)
They look so cute
I swear

But yeah I guess, it'll have to
Stay this way
Coz maybe this is what's right
It is what's right

For a girl like you
Is not fit for a girl like me
I can't mess with your social life
And your straight for sure
Unlike me

To be with the same sex?
I don't plan to go that far
Of being bi actually

Im kinda content of
Not coming out
Since its kinda better this way.

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