A Mysterious Figure

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Colours swirled around the room, enchanting, twisting as if brought to life. Through the hazy veil a jester juggled merrily, joy and laughter gleaming in his bright eyes as he effortlessly dodged attacks thrown by his companion. It wasn't the first time that they had performed this trickm but the only time they had royals watching the show, and they had made sure to look the part. Golden bells gleamed from a good polish, attached to a pristine purple and black hat. His costume had been thoroughly cleaned, so every stitch showed up, neat and crisp. Even the magician, who was notorious for not washing his cape had made an effort. His cape's normally dulled colours now shone with the same bright hues that had not been seen in an age, and it sat nestled between his soft, combed fur.

The four kings watched their display go on, getying more and more hazardous as it went on. The juggled hearts had distorted, stretched and bent until they had changed into scythes that spun at an incredible speed, so much so that it was a wonder that he did not lose a limb. Attacks flew faster and faster, both from the air and rolling across the ground, indeed, one came straight at him, but he simply sprang and landed on top of it, and continued. As the show wound up, and the duo prepared for the grand finale, the jusggler noticed a strange figure standing alone at the back of the audience. Dressdd all in bkack, melting into the shadow, with a faces as pale and round as the moon, the person watched on expressionless. It was only when he noticed the performer staring at him that his face changed to show surprise, while his edges started flickering, seeming to disappear altogether.

For the figure on stage, this was astonishingly peculiar, so much si that he lost some of his focus. He went to toss his scythes up in the air, but lost his balance and fell off the pearl, landing on his bacj with his feet sticking out at comical angles. The weapons exploded in a firework display, showering the onlookers in confetti, as the colours slowed to a halt before ultimately disappearing. The crowd stood and roared their applause, and onstage the jester flipped himself upright in one smooth motion, landing on his feet and taking a bow. But his eyes searched for the mysterious stranger, but found none. It was curious, though he did not have time to ponder as he was bustled offstage. In the wings his companion turnee to him 'What happened out there, Jevil? You never lose your balance!"

The jester, Jevil, took no notice of the question, and waved it aside, pushing forwards his own question. "Seam, did you see the figure, so strange, strange"

"We were performing in front of KINGS, of course they would be strange"

"Not a king, a stranger. Not from here, no, no, never seen before"

"No, I didn't, but what I did see was you messing up."

Jevil's bells drooped to see his friend scolding him with fur bristling and ears standing on end. "You disgraced us in front of the Kings!"

Jevil made the unwise desicion to point out that they had never seen the routine before and thought it was part of it, and he was a jester, after all. Comedic slips were second nature.

That was when Seam lost it.


His partner looked down at his feet. Tears were threatening to fall from his watering eyes, but he could not let Seam know that. It would just make him seam more pathetic, so he muttered a quiet 'sorry' and ran off.

As he watched his companion flee, Seam felt terrible. He had been too harsh on him, and look at what he had done. He reached out, to call for his friend to come back, to say sorry, something, but when he tried, the small figure had disappeared around the corner.

And he was left alone.

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