11- Politics

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I spent the night switching between channels on the television. We didn't have one at home. Of course, I'd used them before, but we never had one of our own. I flipped through dramas, comedies and new shows. Nothing interested me. After about two hours of searching, I switched it off, and stood up. There was a knock on my door and I went to open it.

Outside my door stood a man pushing a cart. He was bringing dinner to everyone's rooms, and I got first pick. There where three options in total, a grilled salmon, a roast chicken or a macaroni. I grabbed a plate of salmon, and a bowl of chocolate ice cream for dessert. The man thanked me and continued on his way.

Why had he thanked me? He'd just brought dinner to my door. I should have thanked him. I shrugged and closed the door.

I walked to the drink machine and slid an empty glass under the nozzle. I pressed the start button and the machine made a dinging sound.

"Please state a beverage." Said the machine.

"Pepsi." I replied. The machine dinged once more and a fizzy, brown liquid started to come out of the nozzle. Once it finished, I grabbed my drink and sat down at the table with it.

I ate the salmon fairly quickly, continuing onto the caesar salad and finally the ice cream. When I had finished eating, it was just past eight thirty, but I was done for the day. I placed my dishes in the sink and let it wash them. I took my hair out in the washroom and changed into a pair of pajamas. I switched off all the lights and climbed into my bed.


I woke up at seven forty five in the morning, just as the sun was starting to come out. I walked into the living room and watched it rise over the sea. I had never seen it do that before. Cordova was right by the ocean, but our neighbourhood was pretty far away, and we had never gone to see the sunrise before.

It was fantastic. More colours then I'd ever seen at once. The oranges in the sky where perfectly contrasted by the deep blues and greens in the ocean. It lasted about fifteen minutes before it returned to a normal sky.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a bowl of peaches and creme oatmeal with a glass of apple juice and ate it at the table. As I ate I read my schedule for the day.

Today was when the regular schedule started. I had class from 9:00 AM until 12:30 PM. Then in the afternoon I had class once more from 2:00 PM until 5:oo PM.

Once I had finished eating, I put my dishes in the sink and walked to my room. I hadn't unpacked at all yet. I decided to take a look at the closets. I turned to one of them and opened it up, only to reveal it was full of more society clothing. I sighed and took one of the full hangers, changing into the clothes. Then I went to the washroom and put my hair into a bun. It was just about 8:45 now, so I headed out the door to go to my class.

When I got there, Jessica sat me down at the table right away.

Today she taught me about the politics of the society. How they decided who would have the most power, how they voted on problems, blah, blah, blah. I tried to pay attention to as much as I could, but most of it went right over my head.

When she told me I could go for lunch I was more then happy.

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